The Winterfallen
Predict who will die in upcoming GoT Battle of Winterfell
brendan sudol
The Winterfallen — Predict who will die in upcoming GoT Battle of Winterfell
Predict and share who you think is going to die in the upcoming Game of Thrones Battle of Winterfell
Marcus Wood
@brensudol Love the product. Do you allow creating groups by chance? I'm the creator of Guess the Throne and we've closed off entries and groups. We debated added them back, but then it'd be hard to notify all our members of the change without spoiling it for others. Not trying to hijack your post, but I'd like to be able to refer everyone asking your way!
brendan sudol
Hello! I'm a big Game of Thrones fan and there's a big battle coming up in the next episode (airing April 28th). A lot of people are going to die (as it goes with GoT) and I thought it'd be fun to try and guess who's not going to make it and then compare predictions with friends. :)
Ryan Hoover
Love the simple execution (no pun intended) and design, @brensudol.
N Kohala
Can you show aggregate votes?
adam webber
I love this!
love the UI. Nicely done!