The YouTube Thumbnail Game
Guess which YouTube video thumbnail has more views
Tim Jang
The YouTube Thumbnail Game — Guess which YouTube video thumbnail has more views
Play to find out how well you know YouTube!
Anupama Panchal
This is fun game. Liked playing it, I want to know highest scores that you could reach.
Ann Ezexel
I saw this project and I remembered the games built into the TV!) good luck in your project
David Alarcon
great project!
Jay OH
Fun innocent game. The UI for the Game Over screen is too similar to the normal game screen. I might suggest instead showing the leaderboard with your score in relation to it and social sharing icons
Louie Britton
Vinita Roland
Wow curious about this
Paul Book
its for the influencers :D
Tony Mancini
Random funny. Great dinamic promo video!
Alisa Kaczynski
Great, will definitely give it a shot and hopefully I'll be the highest scorer!
Yash Waghmare
Wow! Awesome