Martin Lexow

Theine - Caffeine for your Mac. Keep it awake.


Celebrating Theines’ five year anniversary with a major, free update! ☕️ Theine keeps macOS awake just like caffeine does with you. It prevents your Mac from falling asleep, dimming your screen or starting the screensaver.

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Chris Blec
I've been using this free app for the past few years. Does the same thing, albeit with a few less features.
Martin Lexow
Theine was my very first app for the Mac ❤️ It’s available for almost five years now and received 1,300+ ratings on the store (worldwide) with an average of 4,7 stars. So I’m very happy to release the third major version of it today. It’s a free update for all existing users and comes with some new features and a redefined UI.
Alex Conway
This looks awesome and very useful, well done @martinlexow! I was a bit confused by the vid at first - might be worth describing what it does before the feature set for users who haven't come across it but haven't seen Theine before :)
Boris Berenberg
So a paid version of ? Always good to have options on the market, but I don't understand the main differentiator here.
Taylor Lapeyre
You can do this by opening terminal and typing "caffeinate -d"
Alexandre Fournier-Ahizoune
I believe you can simply tweak the settings of your Mac to achieve the same thing
tony carreon
@alexandre_ahizoune i can change my flat tire on the side of the road in the middle of winter, but sometimes it's preferable to just call the service...
Samuel Osborne
I think it is useful and good for work.
Георгий Соболев
Thanks makers for the work!
Jurica Kovač
Would it have any long term effects on the Mac