Zoltán Szőgyényi

GPT-3 Tailwind CSS - OpenAI GPT-3 + Tailwind CSS code generator

GPT-3 Tailwind CSS is an OpenAI powered GPT-3 code generator built by Themesberg.

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oberon lai
This is amazing!!! Would you like to share the tutorials about how to develop this tool? I really want to learn how to use GPT-3 to improve my work flow. Keep up the good work!
Zoltán Szőgyényi
@lai_obreon sure, I could later write a blog post with "behind the scenes" :)
Zoltán Szőgyényi
Hey PH 👋 Together with my team we built this Tailwind CSS code generator (favorite CSS framework) using OpenAI's GPT-3 API. Honestly after playing around with a few words and blog posts I was curious whether it could interpret not only HTML and CSS but CSS Frameworks as well. Oh boy it did! Here are a few highlights: - code still far from perfect, but very promising - works with buttons, inputs and lists currently (trained the AI to do these 3 only for now) - loading time from 2 seconds to 10 depending on the complexity (may decrease based on the API output speed) - it's very flexible in terms of language - the generator is not live because the number of requests are still restricted in beta mode - after finishing wrapping things up I would like to offer as much of this for free - here's a blog post where I write a bit more about my experience - you can sign up here for the waiting list This product was brought to you by the Themesberg team ❤️
cool. what's the porn song id?
Zoltán Szőgyényi
@captnphilip recommended song from YouTube Music Editor ;)
Ivan Vetrov
I quit my job. No one needs a front-ender anymore 😭
Simone Romano
I cannot access: https://gpt-tailwind.com/ It would be a cool project. I would love to try it out
Adrian Sebastian Volcinschi Moros
Holy, this looks awesome to tinker around! Love the idea and will give it a try :D
Zoltán Szőgyényi
@adrian_volcinschi Thank you! Make sure to sign up for the waiting list. Hopefully a beta version will be released next month 😊
Jim Kleban
Really cool! Any sense yet for where it succeeds (writes working code that matches the English description) and doesn't? How can one design around the cases where it doesn't? Could this work as a plug-in in an IDE?
Zoltán Szőgyényi
@jim_kleban sometimes it fails to give a 100% correct output or adds a few extra classes here and there. But that depends on well trained the AI is based on previous input/output commands. Yes, we are already working on a VSCode integration :)
Damilola Ajiboye
You might be onto something with this "toy".