While Twitter is rumored to lift it's 140 character constraint, This launches with a contrasting limitation.
@agolis -- to play devil's advocate, do we need another place to share links? Is limiting to one link a day enough to make this "different" and useful?
@rrhoover did we need another place to find new products? ;)
I joke, but I think there's a strong similarity. You guys have been able to build something powerful by deploying a lot of the tools and patterns developed in the first big social sites in a much more focused and elegant way. Mix that with a carefully cultivated early community of influential and discerning members and you were able to build a powerful destination for people who care more than the average web citizen.
We're doing something similar. As I outlined in this blog post yesterday (https://blog.this.cm/i-drew-a-bu...), we believe that media discovery on most social media sites is getting worse at the same time as the quality of media on the web in general is getting much much better. That's already created an opening to build something for people who really care, and over time we think that opening will only get bigger.
The web is becoming a more and more powerful and valuable cultural force, and we desperately need a cultural discovery layer that deeply connects to it. That's what we're building.
@bentossell thanks Ben! Kind of you to put us up here.
As you can see, the idea is simple enough: a social media site for the best of the web where you follow members you trust, and each member is allowed to share just one link a day. While other social sites are stuck in a crazy spiral of more more more and therefore making each share worth less less less (https://blog.this.cm/i-drew-a-bu...) we're going the opposite direction: the 1 per day limit makes ever share special. Every share is a statement by the curator: "*This* is really worth your time."
After a little while in private beta, This. went public back in October and our community has been growing quickly since. We've added a layer of Featured Members (https://this.cm/members/featured) and Publishers (https://this.cm/members/publishers) -- including folks like the NYT, BuzzFeed, NY Review of Books, Vimeo, The Verge and others with active accounts -- and made it easy to find folks you already know with a Twitter integration and member search. We've got lots lots more coming in the next few months.
Would love the thoughts of folks here. We view Product Hunt as a kindred spirit in the war on glut (and the joy of discovery).
You can sign up and give it a spin right here: https://this.cm/join. And you can check out my links and sign up at the same time right here: https://this.cm/golis/follow.
Interesting idea - Not sure I can give a fair assessment of the product until I use it a bit more. Will all of the content out there, it's hard to filter out the noise. I'm hoping This does this. (Your name is a very convenient pun ;)) One suggestion off the cuff is to allow people to exit the "signup" popup modal. As a curious user, I clicked on one of the "This" tags on a post and got locked into the signup. Being new to the site, I want to go back to browse more before committing to signing up, and not having the option left me two choices - Refresh the original home page, or leave the site. I chose option 2 because I wasn't yet sold on the product, and it was easier. As always, my 2 cents
Another beta user and it's definitely become where I go for some great reads. As for a thought on another place to have to share links, on This. I'm adding the best I've come across and the feeling is everyone else is too. The inability to comment has actually been my favorite part of the platform.
@agolis Love this, as I'm a huge content junkie. I personally find Reddit to have way too much content to sift through and I can't stand the terrible UI (I'm sure this will piss a lot of people off). A few comments:
- Do you plan on offering an option where I can select interests (i.e. sports, film) and I will receive suggestions on people to follow? As a first time user, it's a bit discerning that unless I take the time to actively look for people ot follow, my "network" will just be a blank page (at least remove it or don't make it the first tab I see if it's blank). As the community grows, there will be more and more content that I have to sift through and this would be very useful.
- You should provide some sort of incentive for visitors to invite their friends across social platforms. Something even as simple for every friend I get to sign up and post a link, I'll get the opportunity to post an additional link.
- Do you plan on offering some sort of upvote feature? Or will you curate internally like Digg and Fark?
- Can/Will we be able to post video directly to the site? Or does it need to link out?
I like the approach you've taken here and have high hopes for it. What is the process for becoming a publisher? Information deluge - or filter failure if you prefer - has been a pain point for decades now and the new KISS (keep it simple and sparse) was Twitter's original selling point. How do you plan to keep it simple and sparse as your users and their content begin to proliferate? I know for me it was a bit of a pain to have to scroll through what looked like several day's worth Thises (These? Those? Help me with the plural here) from my first two follows just to get to older posts from the others. Grouping by day is the natural tendency, but if the point of This. is that every post is important, does a time-based feed still make sense? Maybe the source and whether or not I've clicked the link matter more than recency?
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