Mary-Victoria Imasuen

Clinch - Limitless wagering


Clinch is an API that enables instantaneous, borderless, low-fee, peer-to-peer wagering using the Bitcoin Lightning Network. Clinch allows users to place wagers directly with peers, for exactly the desired amount - no upfront deposit required.

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Mary-Victoria Imasuen
We're so excited at THNDR to release Clinch. 🎉 Clinch is an API that enables instantaneous, borderless, low-fee, peer-to-peer wagering using the Bitcoin Lightning Network. It was created in response to the pain points of traditional competitive gaming platforms - including high buy-ins, cashout thresholds, slow payouts, and regional restrictions. Clinch makes global, limitless wagering a reality. Clinch allows users to place wagers directly with peers, for exactly the desired amount - no upfront deposit required. Wagers can be placed for as little as one satoshi, or 1/100,000,000 of a bitcoin, and there is no upper limit on the wager size (although early Clinch versions will be capped as the tech is tested in production). Imagine being able to place a wager in bitcoin against a friend and the winner of the "clinch" is paid out instantaneously, peer-to-peer. No deposits. No middlemen. No buy-ins. To demonstrate the power of the Clinch API, we’ve injected it into the cult-classic Club Bitcoin: Solitaire. Right now, it’s still in early, private beta, but we’re giving you a sneak peek. Sign up for access at: Or join below to get the password ASAP! - Telegram: - Discord: Enjoy! 🎉