@sea_local Ads? We are not running any ads for the app. It's open source and free. thoughtbot has been doing open source on the side of consulting for more than 10 years now, so it's part of the company's culture at this point 😉
@kaishin OK, maybe it wasn't the same as an ad that I saw. I think it was a "Promoted" tweet with a link to the app store, maybe showing a preview image or something. I found another thoughtbot promoted tweet, but seems I can't upload screen cap's here. Anyway, I was just curious - wasn't trying to undermine thoughtbot. You've helped me out a bind several times. thoughtobt is awesome!
@kaishin I'm pretty sure I've experienced those memory leaks. I'm a slacker. I'm trying to hold out for a new MacBook Pro release, and I'm afraid I don't have enough free space on my hard drive to do an OS upgrade. It's painful.
RGB – #6: Rule Them All... Maybe Not