Ben Tossell

Thriva - Smart finger-prick blood tests you take at home

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Tom Livesey
Hey everyone! Tom, one of the founders here. Happy to answer any questions! You can also use the code PH50 for 50% off your first Baseline subscription test.
Ali Ahmed
Congrats on the launch. However I was certain your kits would be similar to sugar testing kits, where you prick your finger and immediately get the results on a display. Even if the tech isn't that advanced, surely there could be a way to do the blood submission at home without sending off in the post? That seems to be the major barrier to adoption here, at least for me.
Tom Livesey
@syedaliahmed Hi Ali, thanks very much! Unfortunately, as you say, the tech just isn't there yet (Theranos helped to prove that). We want to get a product in peoples' hands today which is why we are starting here but we certainly don't plan to be sending finger prick samples through the post forever. Having said that, we've done a lot of work to make the process as seamless and easy as possible and we've had a lot of great feedback on how simple it is.
Product Pearson
@tjlivesey @syedaliahmed My other concern is that when I go for a blood test (which I do regularly as I have IBD), if I don't give them a full testtube filled, they won't send it off for analysis as there isn't enough quantity. How comes a small finger pricked amount is enough for analysis in this case? What's different?
Adriana Patterson
@tjlivesey You bring up such a great point here: being proactive, which is such a great way to stay ahead of potential health problems. I’m such a supporter of these home-based tests. I think in the long run they will have healthy :) economic potential in both patients and health care systems. As technology proves that smaller amounts of blood are necessary to run such tests, it will only be a matter of time until home based blood testing will be used in other important areas, such as diagnostics and cancer screening. Also want to wish you good luck Thriva team!
Ben Tossell
Take your health into your own hands (basically)... Interested to see how many of these DIY kits for health take off - will people trust them 100%, rely on them and continue to use them monthly/yearly/etc - I think we should but taking your health into your own hands can be something people may not be comfortable with....yet. Announced at The Europas, their seed funding from Seedcamp, 500 and LCIFdetails on TechCrunch
Chris Jamieson
I used Thriva last year to do some basic blood tests (including a Diabetes test). I was extremely impressed with the product, the team's attitude and mission, and the service as a whole. The test was quick and easy to complete (good, clear instructions included which were helpful) and I had my result - clear and concise- within a few days. Since then it seems the product has been developed significantly and I look forward to using it again. Good luck Thriva team!
Daniel Fitzpatrick
Would love to see this in the U.S. :D What kind of challenges would you face trying to expand to other countries? When I get a similar test done at the local lab, it's about two vials of blood and 12 hrs fasting. How can Thriva get similar information off of whatever consumer friendly process you have? Are there any accuracy differences? What's your roadmap looking like? Any hopes or grand ideas? Partnerships planned? Wish you guys the best! Come to the US so I can avoid awkward lab visits!
Tom Livesey
@dancyfits Hi Daniel! We definitely hope to be in the US at some point. The challenges are mainly around physical infrastructure like postal networks and labs, because we have a physical and operational arm to our business, there is more that goes into crossing boarders but we are already putting things in place. Modern technology is very good and amounts required to process tests is actually quite low, the amount of blood taken in venous samples is more to allow for inefficiencies e.g. samples getting mixed up running lots more tests at a later date. It's important to collect enough to allow for statistical significancy, which we do. We are building out a platform to allow others to build on top of and we already work with 100s of specialists who use Thriva with their own clients. Thanks very much for the well wishes!
Tony Freed
Love it! My health information has to be more accessible to me. I hope one day it will happen more seamlessly and without requiring from me any action. Anyway, it's a great stuff! I would love to try.
Aziz Morsly
Good product and team + backing of Seedcamp
Excuse my potential ignorance, but couldn’t I get these tests for free on the NHS? What’s the benefit of paying for your service? Just trying to understand, I’m all for tracking health so am fully behind you!
Tom Livesey
@stevenagar Hi Steven, completely fair question and one we get asked a lot! basically, the NHS is in place to treat disease and they do a great job. What they are not set up to do is proactive health care to prevent people getting ill in the first place and that's where we come in. Our customers are healthy people who understand the value in tracking these important data points over time as the trends are more important than individual snapshot data. Most GPs won't be willing just to run tests for a person who has no symptoms but wants to track things proactively because they are there partly to protect NHS costs. Quite apart from that, we offer a far more convenient solution and great product experience along with a dashboard to track results, GP report and much more information on whate the results actually mean which wouldn't be the case with an NHS blood test. Hope that helps! Any more questions, let me know!
Love it. We need more of this. Good bye Dr. Useless.
Andrew Lynch
I really think this is the business. I've had a few GP blood tests recently and the waiting time, combined with the lack of any hard data, really detracts from the process. Now I monitor some key health indicators on a monthly basis and can see obvious differences in real-time. I also love the platform. Nice and easy to understand. Keep up the good work chaps!
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
For those in the US who are impatiently waiting for Thriva to offer services here: many states allow you to order lab testing. Some tests require a visit to a traditional lab, but others can be done at home.
Peter Böttges
Is it UK only or do you ship to other countries, such as Germany, as well? (Couldn't find that information in the FAQ and a test-order requires me to sign-up.)
Andrew Alex
Congrats, guys. Is Thriva available outside the US? Are you planning to add some gamification to help people stay healthy? (like fitness trackers AKA Fitbit, MiBand, etc.)
Barry T. Whyte
Great product and service. I love it! Nevertheless, applying a cookie cutter subscription model to a medical service that really doesn't require a subscription is obviously jumping on a bandwagon. They'll get a bunch of great revenue forecasts from it, but it's clearly designed for VCs rather than consumers. In spite of this odd customer strategy, the product is great and sorely needed in the UK!