
TickTick for iOS - Powerful todo app, updated with URL scheme support for iOS


TickTick is a simple and effective to-do list and task manager app which helps you make schedule, manage time, remind about deadlines and organize life at work, home and everywhere else.

With iOS URL Scheme, certain commands can be sent from third-party apps to TickTick and you can build your own workflow through URLs.

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Nicolo S
Finally URL schemes :D big TickTick user here, all i'm now waiting for is consistency with the Mac App :)
It's the best!
it looks great, fans of TickTick
Love TickTick :)
Erik Johnson
I've found TickTick to be the best to-do app available on Android. After a lot of waffling back and forth between my various options including ToDoist, Remember the Milk, Habitica, Amazing Marvin, and more... TickTick is the most full featured. It has its quirks but it hits the sweet spot for me.
Dan Magidenko
Definitely a fan already
Brad James


Design, features, support, reliability, price, nearly everthing!


No API after nearly 5 years of users asking

Robert Kok
Completely agree with your review. After having tried dozens of todo apps over the years I simplified my workflow using Wunderlist until Microsoft pulled the plug. TickTick is even better than Wunderlist with the integrated Calendar and Pomodoro timer, except as you mentioned the lack of an API. Otherwise, I coudn't be more satisfied and have used it for quite a while without being tempted to try out another app. That's quite an accomplishment for my shiny todo app syndrome 😉

love TickTick , especially iOS client .


easy to use , beautiful



URL schemes, TickTick surprises me!
Raymond Berger
This is great! Any plans for something similar on Android?
Alexander Davila

it just works.


perfect interface for my needs (previous wunderlist user)


none that i can think of