Howie Young

Tico Powerbadge - Generate video meeting URLs for your web visitors in 1 click


Step 1: Set a custom name
Step 2: Click the [Copy Code]
Step 3: Ctrl+V anywhere in the HTML file of your web
And...IT'S DONE! You got a video meeting URL generator on your website now.
Super easy to be implemented in 1 min by anyone who knows how Ctrl+V works.

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Howie Young
Hey guys, I'm Howie from Tico. Last month our team launched a brand new video meeting web app, Powercall. We got lots of valuable feedback here and over 30K users from 120+ countries in 1 month. And we appreciate it very much. Today, we'd like to bring something new to you again, the Powerbadge! It's an embeddable badge that empowers every website owner to serve a button that helps visitors get a custom video meeting URL for a Powercall with just 1 click on the website. It's super easy to be implemented by anyone who owns a website and knows how Ctrl+C and Crtl+V works. The magic it creates for web owners is that users will no longer need to switch between windows and apps to have a video meeting when they need one. By having an embedded badge on your website, users will be able to get a video meeting URL and share it immediately, no wasted time on choosing tools, switching between different windows, or leaving your website anymore. Feel free to give it a check and leave a comment again if you like or even don't like our design, concept or anything on Tico. I appreciate all the supports and shares. Howie Founder and ❤️@ Tico
Ken Savage
Can I whitelabel this to brand this as my own?
Howie Young
@kensavage To have the label of Tico is to convince your visitors that the button is trustful. But we do have a plan to let web owners whitelabel it and put custom labels on the badge. Please contact to have more detailed information and we'll get back to you soon!
Sohum S.
Super cool product!
Douglas Evaristo
Plans for API? 👀
Howie Young
@douglasevaristo Thanks for the comment. Yes, we do have a plan to make it into an API. Please contact service[at] to have more detailed information and we'll get back to you soon!
Push, great product for video conference !
Howie Young
@new_user_29002cf812 Thanks for the comment and feedback! Feel free to give it a try on the project that you are working on!
Keegan Huang
Congrats. Good addition to cs flow.
Howie Young
@keegan_huang Thanks for the comment and feedback! Feel free to give it a try on the project that you are working on!