Andre Norman

Tilt - It's like Discord for investors and traders


Tilt is a great place to meet investors and traders in real-time. Share files, images, videos, or even trading ideas. Get access to real-time market data for stocks and cryptos. Create your own channels and collaborate with like-minded traders. Join now!

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It's going to be hard to get me off of r/WallStreetBets
@andre_norman I actually go there to lurk, not so much engage in the convo. Not sure if those are the folks you want tho.
Andre Norman
@armand haha likewise, I go there to lurk and see what the fuss is all about. I kinda like r/WallStreetBets lol
Austin Gao
Looks like a really well designed & thoughtful app
Some initial feedback: - Wish there a way to view/play around with the app without signing up - Wish we didn't have to provide a mobile number. At least not in the first instance. An email address is alright, but a mobile number is a bit of an ask from an app we haven't used/tested before. Especially when it's an unknown brand
Andre Norman
@jamiecoleiro thanks for that feedback. We removed the phone number verification :)
Lui Kohl
I don't see anything that isn't available on Discord. What is the USP over Discord?
Andre Norman
@lui_kohl We are working on a ton of features that will set up apart from Discord. Discord was built for gamers. Our goal here at Tilt is to have an app built for traders. Please be on the lookout :)
Lui Kohl
@andre_norman Sure, but I know a lot of crypto traders currently use Discord and they have bots etc. that have up to date prices, betting etc. - just curious what will be on offer to lure people away from Discord. Anyway, look forward to seeing the features as you're able to launch them!