francesco marassi

Time Progress - Don't waste your time ๐Ÿ•

Time Progress will show in the new tab page the percentage of the current year, month, week and day.
You can change theme. There isn't any other settings or feature, just the progress of time ๐Ÿ•

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รcaro Harry
Cool product! I'm wondering why it asks for 'Reading browser history' permission though. Any particular reason for that?
Khanh Tuong
@icaroharry @urcoilbisurco this keeps me from installing it. no apparent need for this to read my history. it looks beautiful, though!
francesco marassi
@icaroharry @ktuong It's something that I have already fixed in a version that I submitted to the chrome store 5 days ago, but it's waiting to be reviewed by the chrome team (it says to wait 1-2 weeks for the review) I understand the concern, I'll update you here once the new version is approved!
Khanh Tuong
@icaroharry @urcoilbisurco great! will give it a shot after the new version there :) good work and great response time
francesco marassi
Hey Makers! I made this Chrome extension some months ago to motivate myself to do more with the time that we have in our life and don't waste it in useless things. And... it worked! โœจ I have lots of new projects that I'm currently doing and I think that this was my best year as a maker. The constant reminder that the year was ending one day at a time everytime I opened a new tab has motivated me to do something better with my time. Since it's almost the end of the year I decided to post this extension here, as I think it could be useful to some of you too ๐Ÿš€
Gildo Fiorito
Great job! My chrome looks amazing now
francesco marassi
@_gildo Thanks! ๐Ÿ’œ Please let me know if you have any idea about new themes or features.
This looks amazing, but why do you need access to my browsing history?
francesco marassi
@bcye it's something that I noted some days ago (before the already scheduled launch on product hunt) and fixed, but it's waiting to be reviewed by the chrome team (it says to wait 1-2 weeks for the review) I understand the concern and I can assure you that I'm not using that permission. I'll update you here once the new version is approved, so you can install the extension then if you don't trust my word (it's totally understandable)
Adriana Lacy ๐Ÿฆ…
I really like this! Specifically, the ease of it. It's just so simple and aesthetically pleasing. I now have a new chrome extension.
Ghร ssรฉn Faidi
oh! it work now i just pressed ctrl+t
Ali Rajool
It's an interesting product that both scares and motivates us :)
Clara Reionolds
Good luck. It seems like a very stripped down (and simpler) version of Toggl . Did you have that product in mind when creating this?
francesco marassi
@clarareionolds Thanks! No, I haven't though about Toggl when I created Time Progress. I was always amazed by the idea of a day clock (something like this: to see how much time you have left on a day/month/year in a glance. Obviously the end result here is totally different than the inspiration :)
xx days until the end of this life ๐Ÿ’€
Avery Schrader
First Stori , later Cozy Reader, now this! Mega impressed by your work. You are clearly more than your bio suggests! For me as a speed user of Producthunt I jump in, view stuff in front page daily and try to see things that look interesting. It would be useful for folks like me if you added quick videos to the showcase. This will make it easier for me to immediately decide if I want the newest thing from you :)
Ghร ssรฉn Faidi
i clicked the icon and nothing happened:(
Khanh Tuong
great new update. use it now and its beautiful. would love the option of customize one bar to put in my own date count
Daanisch Tahir
@urcoilbisurco I cannot set which day the week starts