The Most Customizable Habit Tracker In The World
Ziggy Crane

Timecap — Industry leading habit tracking app for developing habits

Hi, Product hunters.
Been working hard this year to bring even better features to Timecap and this is the a major release I presenting to you all.
It already has helped hundreds of thousands of users to improve their lives and we are just getting started.
Anna Filou
Timecap seems like a powerful and good-looking habit tracker — excited to give it a go! Question for the ?makers: does it have a “repeat X days AFTER COMPLETION” option? For example, say I want to workout every 2 days, starting today. If I set it to “every 2 days” and do not workout today, but rather tomorrow, I should not workout the day after tomorrow, but rather 2 days after tomorrow.
Richard Mulholland
I've been using this all year and I love it. The dev is also great, constantly working on improvements.
Ziggy Crane
@richard_mulholland That's awesome to hear! Thank you for your kind words!
Ziggy Crane
Timecap started as a product I made for myself, because none of the habit trackers in the market allowed you to track habits you wanted to limit and specific time tracking also wasn't an option. Since the first release that was more than a year ago Timecap has grown into well known brand in to habit tracking space and has helped a lot of people. I am always looking for a ways to improve so I am open to feedback and questions from you guys.
Stewart Barrett
@ziggy_crane1 I love that you built it for a purpose you found lacking in the market- excellent work and good luck with the launch today.
Ziggy Crane
@stewup Thank you for your kind words and support!
Benoit Chambon
Love the UX and the way you organize items. Thanks for sharing :)
Simon Barker
well done, would love one of my "scratches my own itch" projects to become a success
Love UI of the app
Ziggy Crane
@bandyliuk Thank you!
Oliver Klingefjord
Looks cool! Love that you can both build good habits and kill bad ones.
Ali Jelveh
Looks great! Giving a try live
Akwam Daniel
Ivan Aristov
Shivani Patel
Love this!
Shreya Kothiyal
Loved this app. Can't wait to try it.