Sean Percival

Memory AI - Fully automatic time tracking powered by deep learning

Memory AI doesn’t simplify time tracking; it fundamentally reinvents it.

The system collects data about your work activities and uses artificial intelligence to translate the raw data into meaningful timesheets.

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Mathias Mikkelsen
Hey Product Hunt! We couldn't be more excited to finally launch Memory AI! When we released Timely a few years back we always described it as the time tracking app to end time tracking. But it's only until now and with AI that we are actually able to deliver on that promise. It's been a long road here and I'm so happy to launch it. Please let us know what you think! :) Best wishes from vikings in Norway.
Cody Fitzpatrick
@matmik Huge props to having the vision and perseverance to see it through years later!
Mathias Mikkelsen
@codyfitzpatrick thanks man, really appreciate that! I guess it's being stubborn 😅
Vince Schwidder

I have been playing with this feature for a few weeks now, and the potential is huge. It learns from your inputs, and it still needs some work, but the basic idea is very solid.


Automated time tracking


Requires some manual input, no time range

Mathias Mikkelsen
Thanks for the help to test it out! The updated project prediction model you see in the video is coming to your account very shortly! 🙏🏻😃
Vlad Korobov
Wow guys, it is great. Can it detect projects automatically somehow?
Mathias Mikkelsen
@vladkorobov indeed it can! Using neural nets 😃 In the beginning the project prediction is simple because we don't have too much data from you as a user, so it uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and other techniques to predict. But over time you basically get your own model that works really well and is extremely accurate :)
Scott Edwards
@vladkorobov @matmik fascinating use case for ML - given that you've built a pretty deep moat (search "buffet moat" if you don't know what I'm referring to) around your product, in the form of a killer UI and fast performance, would you feel comfortable sharing more details of the ML implementation? Building custom neural nets for each user (and since you term them deep-learning/ai, I assume they have many layers) on the fly is not a trivial task - I'm guessing you and your team learned some very interesting lessons along the way. Some well written explanatory articles could get a lot of shares from the data science community and I don't think it would risk any serious competition due to the aforementioned moat.
Filiz Gökçe

How it is going to merge social life daily tasks with business?!


Excited to use it


Collect right judgement Which platform that app need

Marius Ørvik
Hi Filiz, The algorithm will eventually learn what you consider "work" and "not work", and in our initial tests it does a pretty good job at that (given that it has enough data to learn from). You could also turn off the Memory tracker app when you're done working for the day. That way it won't record any activities.
Jonathan Alpay
That's exactly what I was looking for! Can't wait to try it! 🤞
Anda Somodea
@suriteka Happy to hear it! 👏
Stowe Boyd
Looks really smart.
Anda Somodea
@stoweboyd Please try it out and let us know what you think! ;)
Gabe O'Leary
Looks awesome can't wait to give it a try. I also have been frustrated by the state of manual time tracking, so I hope this can make my life easier and my work day more quantifiable.
Anda Somodea
@golear This is e-x-a-c-t-l-y what we are aiming for, to completely eliminate manual time-tracking. Let us know what you think once you get the chance to try it out :)
Tom Bielecki
This looks incredible @matmik @aprilzero @myusuf3 Gyroscope should acquire this. It seems super similar to their sleep/workout/places logging, they have already rebuilt the Moves app, and I think they should look to replace RescueTime as well.
Just S
@matmik Wow! I signed up in July 2014 and thought it was a tremendous idea then. Sadly, I couldn't get it to work for me at the time but I am very impressed to see that you have spent the next several years building it into what looks like a killer app! Nice to see my login still works. (I guess the personal subdomain is no longer a thing?) I look forward to trying Timely again.
Amy Watanabe
@just_s, we're happy to see you back again! Shout out to our support if you have any questions! And once you've tried out Memory AI, let us know what you think. :)
Mathias Mikkelsen
@just_s Hehe, awesome to see some old users again, and especially sub-domain users 😍 that was a long time ago and fun to reminisce about. Thanks for commenting!
Igo Akulov
Looks very interesting. Is the service free while in beta? What will the free/paid plans look later on?
Anda Somodea
@igoruphere Timely is free for 14-days during your trial period, whether you're using the Memory AI Beta or not. If you're very interested in the product, we can always extend the time. We haven't made any decision to change the pricing atm.
So beautiful
Anda Somodea
@lasha_kakhidze That's the best possible compliment, as our founder Mathias is a designer :D
Rudy Lee
Looks really promising! Can't wait to actually try this out! :)
Chao Zhong
Price is not affordable for me as a single user, because I want the "Unlimited Memory history" feature, 1 month, 6 month of it, too few. I'll still stay with rescuetime.
Anda Somodea
@cppgohan totally understandable if price is an issue. We are going to rethink the pricing at some point, so please keep an eye on us. There is a free 14-day trial period if you wanna play with the AI though ;)
Emmanuel A. Simon
I continue to love seeing what you guys spend your "timely" on. But all puns aside.. this looks awesome. Can't wait to rely upon it.
Anda Somodea
@uelsimon your timing couldn't be better :D (I'm pretty partial to puns myself :D) Would love to hear your feedback about Memory AI :)
Rubén Expósito
Congratulations on the app! Looks really awesome and I can't wait to give it a try! That would save me, and I guess other people, a lot of time! 🧐🤘
Anda Somodea
@raeve That's what we hope too :)
Chandika Jayasundara
Woah, very nicely done! Can't wait to give this a go.
Kestas Vaitelis
Hey guys very cool app. Would this work in a retail business? Like scheduling shifts, work hours tracking, scheduling conflicts etc...?
Mathias Mikkelsen
@kestasvv Unfortunately not :/ That's kind of the other side of the coin when it comes to time tracking.
Artem Goldman
Looks great, exited to try it
Anda Somodea
@goldman_artem Looking forward to your feedback :)
Lee Fuhr
I've played with this idea via RescueTime (and… not quite). But the trouble is getting that time data OUT of whatever app generates it, and into, say, Harvest where it's useful for our budgeting and so on. Any thoughts on that? Because everyone hates timecards. Gawd, they're the worst. I want to get us out of the time-filling business.
Mathias Mikkelsen
@cozysd that's exactly what you can do in Timely though. Check it out here: Memory AI lives inside of that app, which is a direct competitor to Harvest :)
Lee Fuhr
@matmik Well… damn! This is impressive, I think. It's like Toggl and Forecast had a baby that was raised by a talented designer. Once I get the notification that Memory AI is available, I'll start a trial. Thanks! EDIT: Oh! The price… hoo boy, $21 _per user_… now I see why it looks so good.
Chao Zhong
@cozysd "getting that time data OUT of whatever app generates it" what do you mean by that? You mean you want to figure out the appname of the time block?
Lee Fuhr
@cppgohan No, I mean getting the tracked time out of Timely (or Harvest, or Toggl, or…) and turn it into invoices, reports, burndown charts, resourcing forecasts, etc. Yaknow?
Chao Zhong
@cozysd RescuteTime can export CSV file or use there api. to create invoice or other things, look like you will make your own stuff. I think it is hard to do it, because RescueTime is focus on personal time track, not on project or task or job.. like harvest or toggl do.
Pedro Brentan

Nothing else to say


Looks nice and smart enough


AI Based, still need to check accuracy

Anda Somodea
Thanks for the rec :) The model will improve as is gets more data from your usage and personalise its suggestions.