Jack Smith

Timenote - The first social calendar with ticketing services and reward


Our mission is to improve the social events and events industry in order to encourage people to do more activities in real life by rewarding their participation.

The first social calendar that allows event organizers to reward in cash the live recommendations of their participants.

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ronny dahan
Timenote is the first calendar app really social ! Best app for Youtuber !! Timenote is free mobile app on iOS & Android live since 2015. Follow who you like and You will never miss an event again ! Discover all events of people you follow and events around you. All your saved events are synchronized with all your calendars, Google calendar, Outlook, Fb Event, Meetup, Evernote and Eventbrite. The best calendar app really social in 2017 ! Timenote is the first BOT Fb Messenger like your personal secretary to check your calendar if you are logged on the app or just to discover events in any cities without login. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/... https://play.google.com/store/ap... https://www.messenger.com/t/goti... or http://m.me/gotimenotepage
ronny dahan
@falemaster thanks , c est lien mobile :-)
Bruce Kraft Jr.
@ronnydahan i love the social aspect, but i am trying to log into my account from the link given to me on facebook messenger (from the desktop) and the log in button doesnt seem to be responding on the pop up window
ronny dahan
The official video of Timenote : https://youtu.be/JP4n9wgPusw
Ben Tossell
description of the bot says:
Sam Jacobson
I remember the demo you showed at the FbStart TLV event. Looks like you've made it stick in France too! Kudos
Amazing app
Amazing app
I love the app
Amazing Bot
The best city guide and calendar in same app
Best app for YouTuber
Excellent agenda
All agendas we need
Marlon Franco
We have tons of options for calendars on iPhone, many that are free, but when it comes to the best, I recommend Timenote Social Calendar! A lot of things are great about Time note, but what separates it from the pack the most comes down to its design. It is incredibly easy to use, fast, and it’s powerful enough for most people. As a social calendar, you can view your events on a calendar and they’re visualized in a readable and easy to understand way. It’s packed with a ton of features as well, including multiple views, your choice of navigation app integration, templates, widgets, and more. http://www.skateshoesph.com/2017...