Hey 👋 , Stephen Campbell here!
I created tiny acquisitions back in April/May 2021 and launched it back then in June. Since then, we expanded to a team of 3 and made significant strides in reaching our first 6000 users, 300+ tiny project listed and facilitated in some way or the other, the acquisition of some 30+ tiny projects.
We were nominated for Product Hunt’s 2021 Golden Kitty Award in the “Side Project of the Year” category and made it as finalists. We have been featured on Bubble.io, Business Insider, Inside and other media sources.
Now, we are about to embark on something much bigger. We have established ourselves as a go to platform for makers/creators to get tiny acquisitions and we will now compete with some of the more popular platforms in the M&A space. We are expanding to accommodate the listing of tiny projects up to USD 100k (with a short review process).
Previously our unique selling point was hosting tiny projects that could be liquidated at USD 5,000 or less. Subsequently, we expanded to $10k and now we are moving to $100k. With this expansion, we have improved our product offering on the platform.
Here’s what we added/improved:
✅ Onboarding process tailored to match buyers to sellers
✅ More detailed listing process including project analytics, financials, etc
✅ Premium Listings, LinkedIn verified sellers/buyers
✅ Built in escrow up to $10k
The platform is free to sign up and to explore the project listings via TinyAcquisitions.com/search. Our premium service allows you to chat, make offers & even buy projects instantly via buy now button.
Thanks to KP for hunting TinyAcquisitions V2
Please feel free to upvote, comment and ask questions. You can personally contact me at stephen@tinyacquisitions.com if you need help…. You can ask me anything, I am very responsive.
It's been immensely gratifying watching and following Tiny Acquisition's trajectory in the last few months since I last hunted them on PH. I love the team's sharp focus on shipping new features rapidly, their founder-friendly nature and the #buildinpublic ethos. Excited to introduce the latest and greatest version. Tiny Acquisitions v2!
Plus, most of the stack is built using no-code tools (like Bubble etc), so it's extra close to my heart :)
@leelaunches Lee, thanks so much... and thanks for being supportive from the very start... You were one of the first persons to ever try tiny acquisitions and I appreciate that.
Congrats on all of the growth leading up to v2!
Which side of the marketplace do you tend to focus on more for growth (or at least did in the beginning)? The buyers or sellers?
I imagine this is a tough balance to strike.
Keep up the great work!
Congrats fellow ODNC1 alum 🙌🏻 I love the whole "think small, win big" approach to product development and the sale of the same especially in the NoCode space so it's great to see you growing at this rate and heading into "think big, win even bigger"! Well done, Stephen.
@jpdavidpeters I glimpsed your product at the Golden Kitty awards…. Just looked at the landing page 😱
What a great concept…. Thanks for the love on our launch
I listed a project on Tiny acquisition at its very beginning, and after discussing with few potential buyers, I received an LOI within a week! Stephen was super helpful during the whole process, so I can only recommend!
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