Ziggy Crane

Tinygain for iOS - Habit, routine and workout tracker

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Ziggy Crane
Hi, Product Hunters. Almost a year ago I released Tinygain for Android. It did very well, even got featured in PH newsletter once. I've received a lot of requests from iPhone users to bring Tinygain to them too, so after working tirelessly I am proud to present you Tinygain for iOS. Enjoy!
Ziggy Crane
@londonrom Thank you, Romain. Not as successful as yours anyway. :)
Michael Brooks
I personally love Tinygain for Android; it's intuitive, timely and fits perfectly into my morning so I never miss my most important habits (weight clocking, gratitude journal entry, meditation, stretching, etc.) Haven't run into any issues and I like the community sourced rituals. Would love to see that element expanded even further! Love the look for iOS; best of luck as you continue to grow!
Ziggy Crane
@michaelibrooks Thank you for your kind words! I promise you, I am just getting started. Have a lot planned for Tinygain.
Felix Kaiser
Cool idea. Execution seems sloppy though, many text mistakes found. QA?
Ziggy Crane
@felixkaiser Thanks! Doing the best I can as solo founder. I am already waiting appstore to review some of billing text errors, and some other bugs.
Felix Kaiser
@ziggycrane Yeah, that sounds hard. Want any help with beta testing?
André J
Love the color scheme here ✌️
Ziggy Crane
@eonpilot Thank you!
Justine Harcourt de Tourville
@ziggycrane this app has lots of potential, but on iOS can't delete a routine and the > button after completing steps to a routine doesn't work