You can help people know more
Gua Tabidze

#tipfromapro — You can help people know more


Hello PH community, #tipfromapro offers you space and audience to share your tips for others! We believe that the best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more.

#hasthag based lifelong campaign to create wealth for people, with people by helping each other know more.

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Gua Tabidze
Personally, I have a lifelong challenge: wealth creation for people, with people by designing habit formatting digital products and lobby for experience transformations. #SaaSworld Everything valuable I know, I know from people who open-sourced their findings and views on things. #tipfromapro is a response to this wealth, which mostly I get through digital content, for free. Simply, one week ago, I went to co-working space and ask the first dev guy I met for 5-minute attention and showed him Sketch wireframe of www.tipfromapro.com I promised him that we will have as much as high involvement as Ice Bucket Challenge campaign had. *Public promise - No paid content ads on a web or twitter account. If you believe, helping other peoples know more is a key for our society, tell me how you think you can support this initiative. Simply, you can just tweet. Thanks. Feel free to ask any questions.
Davit Khaburdzania
Wish you lots of useful tips, kudos! 👌