Manuel Pirhofer

Today - Calendar designed to help you focus

Today is a minimalistic calendar app designed to help you focus on what matters to you. It helps you avoid distractions and do the things you really want and need to do. It also contains a habittracker - as building good habits is key to long-term success.

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Manuel Pirhofer
Does anyone else encounter problems with planning your days effectively? I personally encountered different problems with current solutions, that make it hard to stay focused on one task, build good habits and create simple to do lists. Today will be launched asap.
Luis Gustavo
Mmm this could be useful for so many situations.. You have my upvoted!
Manuel Pirhofer
@luisgustavo thanks! Did you encounter some problems with current solutions?
Luis Gustavo
@pirhofermanuel Actually I'm using: They give me interesting stats about my routines. I'm missing some feature to share this results with anyone else, but for the rest work well for my 🙂
Manuel Pirhofer
@luisgustavo Interesting thanks 👍. The app looks like it does it's job - but I guess integrating it with todos & calendar is going to be a game changer. Do you also use a todolist and calendar app? * and probably adding a share feature for "progress" 😬
Luis Gustavo
@pirhofermanuel Yes, I usually use Google Calendar and Notion, and doesn't have any type of integration..
Platon Lukyanov
Super great idea! I definitely need such instrument for keeping up with my habits that are not so well established. Can't wait for a release!
Manuel Pirhofer
@platon_lukyanov Thanks for the kind words. We are moving as fast as possible. Hopefully able to launch in the next weeks :)
David Glass
Excited to try it out
Manuel Pirhofer
@david_glass Thanks probably ready in the next weeks!