Amir Salihefendic

Todoist Boards - A more visual way to move your projects forward. ✨

Introducing Todoist Boards, a more visual way to organize your Todoist projects. This new layout makes it easy to see the big picture of your projects and make progress from start to finish. Drag tasks between sections, visualize your progress, and more. ✨

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Amir Salihefendic
Hi Product Hunters 👋 Ever since the launch of Todoist Foundations last year, we’ve been paving the way for our most anticipated feature yet, Boards. Boards give you a powerful new way to organize and visualize your Todoist projects, whether you’re working on weekly meal plans or five-year business strategies. Boards flip the traditional to-do list on its head by visualizing tasks as cards that can be dragged across customizable sections. Add more tasks, rearrange your project, use a kanban workflow… the configurations are endless. The best part? We’ve designed Boards to be there when you need them and out of the way when you don’t. The list view will always be there – just toggle any project between board and list depending on the view you need in the moment. Boards are rolling out to all Todoisters right now and should be at your fingertips within a day or two if they’re not there already.
João Drummond
@amix3k First of all, congrats on the new feature! I use ToDoist as my sole task management app for the past 9ish years. Just tried the new Boards view. To be honest I'm not impressed. Not trying to be the all-about-complaints-guy, just trying to point out it should create columns from different formats, such as by date and not by "sections". I use no sections at all, so this new feature made exactly no difference for me, a long time user.
Jeffrey Wyman
@amix3k @dmmd you have to restructure your project entirely. not for everyone but for one project I have it's working well and I enjoy using it.
João Drummond
@amix3k @jeffrey_wyman Yeah makes sense. I just wanted to leave my feedback as the idea of being able to visualize the board by date sounds appealing to more people as well and not just me.
Ygor Mutti
@amix3k @jeffrey_wyman @dmmd +1 for a time-based board view. The board layout makes it really easy to organize tasks, but sometimes you want to organize them based on other criteria (context, project/list, time, etc). Also, I'd love if the time columns were customizable, because I use timeboxing a lot.
Amir Salihefendic
@dmmd this is the first iteration. We might bring this to filtered views as well. Let's see 👍
V Keerthi Vikram
Love boards. Have been using it since it was in beta. Really good. If used correctly removes the need of trello entirely.
Amir Salihefendic
@vicksu awesome to hear 🙏
Merlin Laffitte
Really love Todoist extensions, looking forward to trying this one! Great job guys :)
Amir Salihefendic
@merlin_laffitte Thanks, Merlin! A lot more stuff is incoming 😊
Hunter Carter
Been wanting this for years. Thanks.
Amir Salihefendic
@school_4_ants I hope it was worth the wait :)
Love the new Boards! I've already made three today. Thank you for making a product I love even better ❤️
Amir Salihefendic
@adubiousmuse Thanks! 🙏
Kamran Abdul Aziz
I'm into 6th year of using Todoist, Boards are dope, I need to spend a few hours and had to add a separate monitor to review and make changes to my entire Todoist account, as I wanted. But it was worth it.
Amir Salihefendic
@ekamran thanks for sticking out with us, Kamran. Hopefully, you'll use it for decades to come 😊
Máximo Manuel Mendoza López
Kudos! Thanks for continuing to make Todoist amazing! Big fan and this is a fantastic win for heavy users who are addicted to getting Karma points
Amir Salihefendic
@maximo_manuel_mendoza_lopez Gracias, Máximo 😊
Victor Iryniuk
And I'm back to checking out Todoist. I'm actually surprised it took so much time for the board view to be introduced.
Amir Salihefendic
@iryniuk we had to create a great foundation before we added them, e.g., Sections and the Task View. In general, we have been at this for 13+ years, and we don't compete on how many mediocre features we can ship.
Sia Mohajer
Saw this go live yesterday, already using it. Big fan of it! Keep rolling out features guys! 🙏🏻
Amir Salihefendic
@siamohajer great to hear, Sia! More stuff is coming.
Ben Jebara
Great ! Hopefully a native time tracking option
Amir Salihefendic
@benjebara We integrate with a ton of great time trackers. Unlikely we'll do our own.
Bogdan Ionita
Looking good, simple & clean. Plus, boards are kind of the way we think project management lately. Congrats
Amir Salihefendic
@bogdan_ionita thanks! And yes, boards makes Todoist much better at project management and planning bigger things.
Pierre Le Poulain
I love this!
Marko Alpner
Great work!
Maddy Osman
Love that your team is constantly innovating while keeping the UI simple and easy to use :)
Amir Salihefendic
@maddyosman Thanks, Maddy! Keeping things simple and powerful is one of the core goals 😊
Tamas Zelizi
Finally ❤️🔥
Bear Shelton
Always love new ways to visualize work or workflows. Being able to more easily see what's going on helps me work faster. I'm also interested in the ease of dragging and dropping. Plus, who doesn't love checking things off???