Amir Salihefendic

Todoist Dark Theme - Experience a darker side of Todoist

Dark Theme for Todoist is here! We’ve revamped every color, icon, and font in the app for the full dark experience. It’s available right now on every platform — iOS, Android, macOS, Windows and more.

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Amir Salihefendic
Hi Product Hunters 👋 We're releasing one of our most highly requested Todoist features, a Dark Theme across all platforms. This release also includes our new unified colors with 20 colors that you can use with your projects, filters, and labels. You may think to add a dark theme is only changing the colors, but it was a lot more difficult than this. We had to redo and retweak a lot of core components, colors, icons, and fonts. So even if you don't use the dark theme, you'll see a lot of subtle tweaks to our interfaces. You can read more here: Dark theme is just a small taste of changes that are upcoming. We hope you enjoy it! 😊 Let us know if we can improve this in any way.
Sam Goudie
@amix3k It looks great Amir, but it also feels great. When you use an app like Todoist all day everyday, these little details make a big difference. It shows genuine care for your users.
Shreyaa Ratra
@amix3k, Do you do B2B sales for Doist ?
Amir Salihefendic
@sgoudie Our users (and especially customers) are the only reason why we are here today — this is because we are fully bootstrapped. So yea, we care a lot 😊
Sam Goudie
@amix3k I'm happily both 🙌 I saw the $0 investment raised on the doist site. It's great to see an a tech company building on real value.
Alex Antoszek

A very nice addition to the best to-do app, but it took them really long.


Your eyes don't bleed anymore


Some colors seem to dark to read

Which colors do you find too dark to read? We're still tweaking details. Would love to improve them.
Alex Antoszek
@alexmuench Hi! Sorry for not replying. Wasn't really using Product Hunt these last couple of months. I think that there isn't enough contrast between the text and background colors on the UWP Win10 app. Although now I'm using the Win7/8 legacy app, because the UWP app has a ton of different issues.
Tim o
Fantastic improvement. I've been a Todoist user for about a year now and always struggled when using it at night...when I get some of my best ideas! Now with the dark theme, my eyes (and brain) won't hurt as manage my tasks in the wee hours. Thanks Amir and team!
Wow this looks good 🌚 wish more apps took the effort to create a dark mode like this
Kia Kamgar
YUP, loving it! However... I'd love to be able to have a different theme for day & night and a toggle in the header or a key command to change between them. We're never happy 😂😂😂
Amir Salihefendic
@kiakamgar thanks for this feedback, Kia. When we researched this, the majority of users wanted a permanent dark theme. But it's something we will consider for the future.
Very fresh 🔥
Sinan Yumurtacı
I have used Todoist for a long time, only recently moved to Notion for a less goal-oriented approach which led to less stress. Todoist is a great tool, and the dark theme looks super too!
John Foster
can be useful
Lisa Dziuba
we need more dark :)
Georgi Yudin
Are you plan adding any new major features?
Amir Salihefendic
@georgi_yudin yes, we do, significant changes are incoming 😊
Mohammad Azib
What a welcome surprise!
Leo Vogel 🇺🇳
Is this pure black on iPhone X? I’m still waiting for a powerful task manager to support the OLED screen.
Jeff Eisley
Yeah boi, get it!
I'll consider this as a big deal when ProductHunt Web + Mob App comes with a DARK theme!
Xavier Coiffic
Looks really great! Nice job 👍👍
Product Pearson
I now use this on all my devices. It's very sexy.
Cameron Meyer
I'm a sucker for new themes 😃