Hi Hunters! I am the Founder & CEO of Doist, and I am here to answer any questions.
We are super excited about this feature since a lot of people are struggling with task scheduling and we think AI is one of the ways to solve this.
Try it out and see how it works 👍
@nik_hall I did, coming from Wunderlist, Todoist feels more focused around time. And has neat features like location based reminders. You will need to consider upgrading though! The free tier alone lacks some essential features.
@nik_hall Not sure, maybe @amix3k could hint at some Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals 😉
edit: on second thought, yes I believe there is a 15 day money-back guarantee.
Nice work guys - super job! :)
Glad the features are getting richer and richer.
My favourite feature is still the consistency of the service. Everything just works, and so well!
I think I've used nearly every todo app available and I always come back to Todoist. Just saw this update pushed today and am super impressed with it. Great work as always guys/gals!
I'm a big fan of Todoist, but I often just send tasks into the future if I can't deal with them right now. Hopefully this will help me be more intentional with my scheduling. Nice work!
Great product ! I'm using it since few months and it's better than the native reminders app on iphone/mac. But few things can be improve. For example on the mac i would like to drag&drop a task on the left to link it to a specific project.
What a wonderful feature. I'm more satisfied with Todoist than almost any other app I use, and seeing improvements like this just reinforces the appeal.
At this point there are really only a few enduring bugbears that I'd love to see addressed:
1. Display completion date of finished tasks in the search view. You can view it if you dig in to the activity, but I'd love for this info to be glanceable when I'm trying to quickly remember when I did something or other
2. Ability use the "a" vs. "A" shortcut (add to top of list or bottom) in the Today view, which is where I spend most of my time in the app
3. Along the same lines, the ability to set a default behaviour for adding tasks to top/bottom of lists when using the Quick Add dialogue
4. The ability to focus in on sub-task structures more easily. This one is hard to explain but the way I organize things is using Projects as work areas (home, client 1, etc.) within which I sometimes have "projects" (i.e. tasks with subtasks). If I have such a task with subtasks, I'd love to be able to go "into" the main task and see it as if it were its own Project, without the clutter of all the other tasks in that Project. 2Do does this very elegantly and even shows you a progress bar as you check off subtasks—I'd love to see that make its way to Todoist in some fashion.
Anyway, thanks to them team for your ongoing work! Todoist is one of the greats.
After using this feature for a while, it's very good and definitely helpful when tasks get a bit out of hand. However, it would be nice to be able to order tasks by priority, and then let the app add deadlines accordingly. Sometimes the algorithm places less-urgent tasks after more-urgent tasks, which makes the feature require more focus since I'll need to look through the list of rescheduled tasks and confirm that it's in roughly the right order.
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