Enric Enrich

Todoist Year in Review 2015 - Explore your personal productivity stats from 2015

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Amir Salihefendic
Hi hunters! A lot of the team is here and we are listening! Let us know if we can answer any questions. Generally, we are super excited about our user's productivity accomplishments in 2015 and we are looking forward for 2016! For this year’s review we tried to follow the “Mission Possible” theme to make things a bit more fun 😊
Hardik Pandya
@amix3k Hey Amir, what new features are in the pipeline? What's the bigger picture goal for Todoist for 2016?
Amir Salihefendic
@hvpandya @amix3k Hi Hardik. We have an amazing team of people working on many initiatives, some of them improvements to the current things and others completely new things. 2015 was the best year in Todoist’s history (in terms of growth, revenues, exposure etc.) We also did some awesome releases (Todoist 10, Todoist Material, our rebranding and a ton of other stuff). I think 2016 will be even more transformative. One of the bigger goals is to make todo apps mainstream and create the “Google” of task managers. I have worked in this space for about 8 years now and I still don’t think anybody has nailed this. I hope 2016 will be the year where Todoist does it. We have many initiatives planned that could do this (for example, making todo apps more visual, introducing Todoist AI that can help you out etc.) Other than this, our Todoist for Business solution is already used by tens of thousands of teams each day. And we are not super satisfied of our team solution. So we are doubling down and will make Todoist much better for teamwork and collaboration.
Abe Storey
Got hooked on todoist a few months and it's been a game changer for my productivity @amix3k . Although, I can't seem to commit to the paid version, but would love to mess around some of the premium features. Have you ever considered doing a trial for the premium features?
Aygul Zagidullina
@abe_storey Hi Abe, we're really excited to hear you enjoy using Todoist to get things done :) You should have gotten your free Premium month offer via email ~3 days after creating an account. If you don't have that message anymore, just contact us at https://support.todoist.com/ and we'll be happy to help you out!