Jon McCullough

Weekly Calendar in Todoist - Make a clear weekly plan with time-blocked tasks and events


Todoist's new built-in weekly calendar lets you manage your tasks and your time in one place. Time block tasks alongside events synced from your Google Calendar to create a plan you can stick to.

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Amir Salihefendic
Hi PH community! 17 years into the journey of trying to build the best to-do app, we've finally released the feature most requested: weekly calendar view with full support for time blocking. The team has done a wonderful job on this, and Todoist isn't only for managing projects and tasks but also for time (our most valuable asset!) This release also includes deep integration with Google Calendar, so you can see your events and tasks in one place. Next up is the ability to sync tasks to the calendar in a two-way sync. We'll also add Apple and Outlook calendar support! Over the next few months, we will add many other improvements. Stay tuned, and let us know how we can improve this further πŸ™ PS: Check it out on mobile as well; we've done a great 3-day view that can take your time, task and project management to the next level wherever you are.
Pranav Pai Vernekar
Happy that Todoist finally has time blocking. Few suggestions: 1. The Screenshots look much niser then the actual UI. There is a long way to go for the UI colours and the design to be improved. 2. Allow a day view with the tasks on the left-hand side. Similar to Overall, great job and I am enjoying using it.
Amir Salihefendic
@pranav_pai_vernekar Thanks for the feedback, Pranav! The day view is coming up next. Regarding the design, this is also something we will iterate more on; for example, common feedback now is to color the tasks based on their project, not priority. Anyhow, stay tuned!
Pranav Pai Vernekar
@amix3k Agreed. Even for me, the colours are not that important. However, did create confusion since all the promotions of Todoist have images with colours for the tasks.
Jon McCullough
I've said it in other places, but the new week layout has totally changed the way I manage and plan my days. Love it 😍
Kehui Guo
Finally, time blockingπŸ₯Ή Would love to have more customizations on the colors but I'm already grateful for this feature and the 3-day view:)))
Dima Tryhubenko
I’m an active TickTick timeblocking user and will happily switch back to Todoist!
Jon McCullough
@dimoire Great to hear! Let us know if there's anything we can help you with to make the switch πŸ₯³
Amir Salihefendic
@dimoire try it out, and let us know what you think 😊
Francesco D'Alessio
A delightful and better way to time block.
Amir Salihefendic
@francescod_ales means a lot coming from a productivity maestro like yourself πŸ€—
Geert Jan Sloos
Great update! Nice to see Todoist keeps improving after all those years.
Dominique Jost
thanks a lot @payrequest πŸ™πŸ½
Nice! I'm very glad to see that Todoist has been updated. I used Todoist a long time ago and now I'm using iOS's Reminders. After reading the introduction, I really want to give it a try.
Dominique Jost
thanks for reconsidering us @zenda1122 :)
Puja Gupta
Congratulations for your new products.
Olivier van den Hoogen
Love the new week lay out! Excited to see other upcoming changes and additions @amix3k
Carlos SaborΓ­o
Didn't expect the calendar to make much of a difference but I'm loving it so far. I've never relied on calendars too much to organize my day but having Todoist tasks + my work GCalendar in one place feels great.
Amir Salihefendic
@carlos_saborio great to hear, Carlos! πŸ‘
Tal Tomer
Hey Amir, I am so happy I got a chance to leave a feedback to you about the new time blocking, because I am not sure if the feedback I sent to the support were seen by you. I am a HUGE fan of Todoist, and am using it for many years already.. I even got some email that I am one of the "1%" of users that completed XXXXXX tasks... but who's counting.. lol and I am always recommending my friends to use Todoist well I can tell you that I also love time blocking, but Todoist never gave this feature up until now, and so I used to look for another tool to give me the time blocking feature, and I literally tried almost everything you know out there for time blocking with Todoist's integrations.. I tried Sunsama, AkiFlow, TickTick, google calendar... and the best I found which I am using till today is Mogen. and they are doing a pretty decent job with their user interface... such as... - letting me have a 1 day view on the window - letting me zoom in into the day view so a 15 minutes block would be big and clear compared to Todoist's 15 minutes block - letting me put a 5 minutes block - OMG THIS IS GOLD FOR ME - because sometimes I have daily quick reminders such as "put the shaving machine in the charger", or like "turn on working music at the morning" which are usually taking few seconds.. so why the hell should I have a 15 minutes block for such small task.. right?! The biggest issue with Morgen compared to you is that... they are VERYYYY SLOWWW lol but they were the only ones on the market that had these features... so I am still using them till today, and I am praying every day for the Todoist's gods to implement these features as well so I can FINALLY ditch Morgen for Todoist's time blocking. Please tell me you guys are working on these small features and planning to have them any time soon... and also.. do you guys share your road map of Todoist with the public so we can view the next plans and vote for them? I would like to save it in my bookmarks Thank you Amir! You guys are doing an amazing job with Todoist! <3
Marcos Dias Alves
Amir, in your images, we can see the past calendar events, but it is not working like this for me; I see the events for current and following days; but past days are all empty. At the end of the week or month all I have is a blank calendar.
Amir Salihefendic
@marcos_dias_alves showing past events and completed tasks is on our todo list πŸ‘πŸ˜Š
I was really excited about time blocking but there doesn't seem to be a way to move around future occurrences of a task. For example if I have a Work block from 1-3PM everyday and have a dentist appointment in 3 days, i can't move that Work block. Only the nearest task in a recurring series can be moved. It's difficult to plan out a week of time blocks with that restriction in place!
Amir Salihefendic
@abiosno It's something we might improve in the future, but it's not very trivial to add editing of future occurrences given our current model/API.
Big congrats on the launch! Immediately fell in love with the ui and started to experiment. So far I’m LOVING it- just feels really nice and super efficient in my daily planning. Looking forward to seeing this in Today view 🫢
Chris B
Hi Team, Congrats on the rollout of the weekly calendar view! I am enjoying it so far and this has pushed me to use calendar view more throughout the app. Once you add Outlook integration, that will be the true unlock for me as I don't use Google Calendar. My one feature request/idea is around the calendar view toggle. Especially on Mobile, it requires a few taps to switch between the different views, and it is something I find myself wanting to do often with my calendar. It would be great if that were pulled out from the settings and added as a separate toggle or button at the top so it is easier to switch. Congrats again team and look forward to seeing where you take this in the future!
A. Riley Buhrow
Hey! Love the new feature, and enjoyed getting to beta test the weekly layout. I've made a few suggestions through the feedback mechanism, but here were some big ones: 1. The left and right arrows should scoot by a few days, not necessarily a whole week. The current implementation makes it impossible to drag and drop tasks from Saturday to Sunday, assuming you're using the default week start (Sunday). This of course applies to any tasks you want to move a few days into the horizon; it mostly becomes an issue at the end of the week, based on whichever week start you set. My suggestion would be to add a "double arrow" that skips by week and make the single arrow move your field of view by day. On iOS this isn't a problem, because the 3-day view is just scroll-able left to right. Desktop would benefit from that function 2. On desktop, you allow the user to click in the "all day" field to create a task without a time. This does not exist on iOS! Highly recommend adding the same "tap and hold" function to the all day field in iOS to replicate this feature. 3. There was a recent write-up on due and do dates on the subreddit, which makes some suggestions. link: 4. Adding calendar events to the filters tab would be very useful. Calendar events being restricted to just the upcoming tab means if I'm using a filter view, say, to look at tasks only assigned to me, I actually won't be able to see my calendar events unless I pop over to upcoming and adjust the settings there. 5. It would also be a game-changer to be able to pick and choose specific calendars to display in specific filters! For example, my wife shares her work calendar with me. This is irrelevant to my work stuff, so I keep it hidden, but when scheduling tasks for the household I prefer to have it visible so I know whether she will be available to help. So I have to go and toggle it on and off in settings *and*, since filters can't view them, I'd also have to go to upcoming and change my view settings to get that working.
Marcos Dias Alves
Presentation of full-day events is not consistent between views. On Today view and on Upcoming / Panel mode view, the full-day events are on top and full-day (no time) tasks are bellow them. On Upcoming / Calendar / Week & Month views, the tasks are on top and the events bellow them; a multi day event seems like snaking, going up and down depending on the # of tasks above it. My personal preference is events always on top, and then the tasks.
Jayesh Gohel
Hey @amix3k Loving the new weekly calendar view! It's a game-changer for visualizing my schedule. Seeing time-blocked tasks and events together helps me stay focused and on top of my week.
Jayesh Gohel
Hey @amix3k Loving the new weekly calendar view! Seeing my tasks and events time-blocked keeps me focused and organized. It's a game-changer for planning my week!