Erik Torenberg

Token Daily - Crypto news, launches, white papers and Q&A with experts 📈

Token Daily (V.01) is a community of token founders, developers, investors, and crypto people of all stripes discovering and discussing the latest in all things crypto. Featuring token launches, white papers, token-curated registries, learning resources, project collaborations and more.

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Erik Torenberg
Ben Tossell, Soona Amhaz, Dennis Stücken and I are excited to introduce Token Daily. Token Daily (V.01) is a community of token founders, developers, investors, and crypto people of all stripes discovering and discussing the latest in all things crypto. Featuring token launches, white papers, token-curated registries, learning resources, project collaborations and more. We have Deep Dives lined up with people like Ryan Selkis, Vinny Lingham (today), Balaji Srinivasan, Will Warren (0x), Preethi Kasireddy, Linda Xie (today), Alok Vasudef, and many more. Experiments we are trying (and value your feedback): 1) TCRs (lists right now) are a way for us to explore interesting ways for community-generated content. Token-curated registries are “decentrally-curated lists with intrinsic economic incentives for token holders to curate the list’s contents judiciously." 2) Build & Learn allows us to explore ways of incentivizing the community to collaborate. This could be with posting project challenges and staking tokens, or even hosting a screencast series on building a project and choosing an incentive model for others to subscribe/contribute etc. To maintain high quality content, we’ve seeded the community with 1,000 posters, but we’re giving anyone who signs up the ability to comment, day one, barring they follow the community code of conduct. We’re implementing a karma system where anyone can get posting access as long as they contribute back to the system. Our goal is to make a high quality, inclusive community in crypto. Help us do that! Would love any and all feedback...
Ben Tossell
@eriktorenberg Woop Woop 🙌
@eriktorenberg I love the simple layout, just signed up. I really like how you took time to explain community rules on the about page, makes me feel like this will be a safe community where I can learn and not be spammed / face abuse.
Ben Tossell
@eriktorenberg @abadesi definitely!! We are really trying hard to make TD THAT place. Reading twitter, reddit, bitcointalk is very overwhelming and I daren't comment else I'd be slaughtered in comments haha. We want a place for people to feel like they can ask dumb questions.
Raphael Ouzan
@eriktorenberg congratulations on the launch! We could certainly benefit from more curation of the seemingly infinite content published every day in the space.
🤢 cryptoshit.
Ben Tossell
@_selcukahmet Crypto aint for everybody 😊
Jonathan Miller
Very Informative + Great Design - thanx Ben!
Ben Tossell
@fittech_insider appreciate it! :)
abasa aka pfazer
Simple and to the point. Love it!
Ben Tossell
@abasa Thanks!!
Love the face it’s one place for all things crypto, 💯
Ben Tossell
@asmiler that's what we are going for!!
@asmiler Free WEBOO Token Airdrop 📢 Complete 6 tasks to get 1500 $WEBOO! Get referral and earn 1 $DOGE per referral Free MEBOX Token Airdrop 💰 Rewards: 30,000 Mebox 👨‍💼 1 Referral = 10000 $mebox 💰 1 $mebox = $0.005 BUSD
Nick Neuman
Very impressed! Awesome lineup of names for AMA's. I like the UI. How do you plan on keeping the content & discussion high quality? Obviously, other community discussion areas like Twitter and Reddit can quickly devolve into petty arguments or dumb trading comments like "XRP to the moon!!!1!!". With an open community that strives to be inclusive (as you should!), I could see that being a challenge as you grow. Good luck and I'll be a frequent visitor!
Ben Tossell
@nneuman it will always be a community but we will always aim to bring the right people in and be strict on the wrong use of the community. Also token incentives could make an appearance in some way shape or form ;)
Tayler O'Dea
huge fan of the product and your team behind it. Looks like a lot of work that went on here. incredibly simple to use and something this community has been needing. Great feature to have interviews or AMAs with leaders in the industry. The only draw back I see (i'm a hater to criticism so apologies), is thats its currently closed for others to post relevant stories. - a big story i was surprised to see missing that broke yesterday-ish is how bitconnect walked way with 50M user's/investor's cash, could be largest crypto ponzi at 2.6B and rising. Questions: are you planning on opening this up to public or invite list? How are you expanding your author list, (currently there is only a typeform to submit a twitter handle)? Besides that huge props, and bookmarked.
Ben Tossell
@tayler2412 thanks for your feedback! We are open to suggestions on expanding the community but we are very concerned on quality posts and not being 'another place for news' that you've seen everywhere already. We only launched properly today so some seeding should've been better thought through! We have some guidelines around what makes an awesome community member and actively on the lookout for more people to contribute :)
Tayler O'Dea
@bentossell excellent - looking forward to see this grow - really cool!

Keep the big names rolling in.


HUGE names lined up. Simple. Easy.


Lacking Google login.

Ben Tossell
awesome. noted! Yeah for MVP we uploaded some of the 'top' coins but looking to see how we surface the newer ones :)
Chris Frantz
Great idea and execution @bentossell! Feels like Product Hunt and Indie Hackers combined to form a single crypto community. 💪
Ben Tossell
@frantzlight Appreciate it - kudos to the team here though! That's the kind of feel we are going for so thats brilliant news haha
Michael Sayman
Congrats on the big launch @soonaorlater!
Todd Goldberg
Congrats on the launch! I'd love to see TD to become a community of only the highest quality content and discussions around it. Reddit often fails here.
Ben Tossell
@toddg777 So would we!!!
Sydney Liu
Amazing job here team :) Building community and running the playbook you guys preech. I love it! Great names and community strategy. Very excited to take part and get some learning in!
Have you considered creating a listing of categories for different token/project types? For example, if you had a "medical" blockchain projects/tokens and then listed all tokens under a Leaders, Challengers, Up & comers, & future ICO's category. It would be really cool to have a community of moderators continually updating such a listing and then have links (project website, white papers, reddit links, offered exchanges etc) and then forums related to each crypto. I would think this would be the ideal front door to the website and then integrate much of what you already have into a organized flow from this front door. Really nice work so far. I'm just not sure I would use this site opposed to Reddit. I feel the killer app is providing a high level overview for crypto hunters who are seeking to determine which tokens/projects are related to one another by virtue of the problems they are seeking to solve, and then ranking them. I wouldn't mind helping on such a project.
Ben Tossell
@tdrewk great feedback! We see this opportunity too and a way to include the Token Curated Registries we are talking about. Email me and we can set up a chat - would love to hear more. RE: using over Reddit - we are trying to focus on high quality content, questions, projects, collaborations etc. Not just an aggregation of anyone being to post and comment anything they want of little to no value.
Alex Miles
Yes!!! Something the community has needed badly!
Ben Tossell
@milesalex we think so too :)
Ramy Al-Kadhi
Love it! My only question is what is the filtration process to define what a crypto expert is?
Ben Tossell
@ramy_alkadhi we have reached out to many in the space who are known 'influencers' that do talks, blog well, run awesome companies in the space.
Jace J Perry
Finally! Thank you for building this Erik :)
Timothy Black

They have a newsletter too, combined with Proof Of Work it's one of the most informative out there. 🙌


AMA's and it has the github linked in project view


Needs more people on there....daily

Paul Burke
The subject lines for the daily email are so fire. I've already told you guys this, but holy shit I am constantly impressed at how compelling it is.
Rudy Lee
Looks great!
Solome Tibebu

Soona's newsletter is the absolute best! Bite-sized, meaningful info about what's going on in the space. Highly recommended.


Easy to use, great content, and I learn something new each time.


Would be interesting to see if there will be a local component in the future.