Heather Hartnett

Token.ai - The smart gifting service for the thoughtful professional

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Megan O'Connor
I've gifted a few times using Token and have loved the experience every time. It gives me piece of mind and I always end up getting a happy text from the recipient of my gift.
Heather Hartnett
I'm excited to hunt this awesome product called Token, a simple, sophisticated way to find thoughtful gifts — something that is very near and dear to my heart. This is a constant need for everyone and it's rarely executed well. The team that is behind Token is top notch and I have had the pleasure of watching them build this platform with such precision, you are going to be blown away. Ex-Google design director had a hard time finding the right gifts and wished there was a simpler way. Their goal is help people build stronger relationships and empower you to be more thoughtful. I know it's made a big difference in my own personal and professional relationships and hope you find it to do the same. Mother’s Day is coming up, give Token a try and see what their gift experts can recommend for you!
Jonathan Jarvis
@heather_hartnett Thanks Heather! Jonathan here, Co-Founder & CEO at Token. All of us on the team here are thrilled to be launching today, and I'm happy to answer any questions you have!
Ryan Hoover
I love the idea of making it easier to select and deliver gifts for teammates, friends, and business partners -- not a replacement for the gifts we buy today but to increase the number of gifts we can give. How much does it cost, @jonathan_jarvis?
Jonathan Jarvis
@rrhoover Thanks Ryan! It's free to get your own handpicked gift suggestions for anyone you want to give a gift to. We you buy a gift, we include a 5% service charge to cover to cost of our Gift Experts' time.
Tina Yip
YES YES YES!!!! I'm obsessed with gifting and THIS is a winning idea. MAD SUPPORT!
Jonathan Jarvis
@tina_yip Thank you so much for your support, Tina! It means a lot to us and we all really appreciate it here!
Carl Martin
Having worked in retail myself and knowing the gift giving market, especially for holidays, this is a huge market that many have tried and failed to tackle. That said, I *really* like the look of this! Two questions for the team (hey @jonathan_jarvis!): 1) Is the idea that this becomes a platform that can be white labelled/plug and play for retailers? 2) What do you think makes this different from products and services that have tried/trying?
Jonathan Jarvis
@carlmartin We want to become your go-to assistant for helping you give gives and be thoughtful, so we're building a brand we hope our users love and trust. We're very interested in partnering with retails with great products, especially unique, local and socially responsible ones. We're different because we help you with the entire process of giving a gift: from reminding you of your important occasions, to helping you find something you love, to delivering it beautifully wrapped. Without help all the way through, we see people get frustrated and abandon the process. Our goal is to take the frustrating process of finding a gift and turn it into a simple one — that's as much fun as receiving a gift.
Thomas McLeod
I'm a big fan of "Thank You" gifts, usually after crashing at someone's place when I travel. Token feels like a solid way to solve this problem thoughtfully while I'm in the car to the airport. How fast can you turnaround a gift?
Jonathan Jarvis
@tmcleod3 Let us know you want it fast and we'll suggest gifts that arrive in 1 - 3 days!
Carol Jarvis
Really magical, creating special moments that might have not happened otherwise if not for Token!
Jonathan Jarvis
@carol_jarvis Thanks mom! 😘
joshua bradley
Bravo! Gifting is a huge target for disruption. We have been working at making celebrating people easier for a couple of years and am excited to see Token take on the platform model.
Jonathan Jarvis
@airjoshb Thanks Joshua! Hope to try NotPie soon!
Adam Arrigo
I was lucky enough to get into the beta and got happily addicted to gift giving. Exactly as @rrhoover mentioned, it encouraged me to give more, which was extremely powerful. Was also very impressed with the curation, and could see how machine learning could help this scale in brilliant ways. A+
Jonathan Jarvis
@adam_arrigo @rrhoover Thanks Adam! Really appreciate it!
Megha Desai
I was lucky enough to be a beta user of this product. And I can't tell you how much I love it. This product has changed my gift giving game. Makes me a rockstar. It will make you one too.
Jonathan Jarvis
@meghatron5 Thanks Megha! You do rock!
Mark Rowland
This will help me find better gifts than the gift cards or flowers I normally end up resorting to in a blind rush! I like the reminder feature
Jonathan Jarvis
@mark_rowland Thanks for your support, Mark!
Fred Rivett
As someone whose love language *isnt* gifts I find it difficult to give good gifts to others. Services like this intrigue me, there's a lot of potential in AI and ML to help make informed decisions of high quality in any sector. Good to see this potential being pushed forwards step by step.
Stéphane Loyer
The video is amazing and the concept is great @jonathan_jarvis ! When are you going to show canadians some love 😢.
Jonathan Jarvis
@loyersteph Thanks Stephane! We have lots of love for our Canadian friends — I hope to send gifts there soon!
Jessica Jarvis
I’ve used Token (the beta) several times and I love all the new ideas it gives me and how special each gift feels when it's so beautifully boxed, even if it’s just something small.
Anton Perreau
Love the concept! Any word on when you plan to launch on Android?
Jonathan Jarvis
@antonperreau We working on something for Android users soon!
Sabri Helal
How do you make use of A.I features in your app ?
Jonathan Jarvis
@sabrisjourney Our A.I. suggests gifts for your recipient to our experts, who then edit those suggestions and send them to you. The A.I. learns every time and gives better suggestions. Our experts and A.I. are a team!
@jonathan jarvis, do you guys still exist?