Tone Analyzer by IBM
Linguistic analysis to detect emotional tones
Subodh Kolhe
Your Celebrity Match — Which celebrities have a similar Twitter personality to you
Subodh Kolhe
Fun project with IBM Watson! Interesting example of how Watson's Cognitive Computing is put to use here. Anyone else working on more Watson and Twitter related products?
Neil Burns
@subodhkolhe We work with IBM Watson & Bluemix Twitter insights in two of our products, really worth looking into if you're into Twitter mining/analysis!
Subodh Kolhe
@burnsneill What are they called? Share links?
Neil Burns
@subodhkolhe makes media monitoring simple & efficient for busy people, helps hotels to understand their guests & provide personalised experiences. IBM Watson & Bluemix have been great to incorporate into our solutions. We're coming out of closed beta for both in the coming weeks, if you'd like more info I'm happy to help :)
Duane Wilson✌️
Duane Wilson✌️'s personality is 92% similar to Mike Bloomberg's! http://your-celebrity-match.mybl... - i'm not sure that's a good thing....
@duanewilsonsf Bloomberg was in my group of matches as well, and I think it just means we have retweeted more than a few of their articles. :-)
Matt Navarra
I'm like @Slash... apparently! Shame PH traffic has crashed the site so soon :( http://your-celebrity-match.mybl...
Couldn't be more correct. 97% match to @azizansari http://your-celebrity-match.mybl...
Have to admit this is NOT the match I would have imagined: http://your-celebrity-match.mybl...
Ben Tossell
Apparently @BillGates and I are very similar :) And apparently @rrhoover is very similar to @tonyhawk
Ben Tossell
@ghromis @rrhoover paste the full image URL :) The site is down now though :(
Gabriela Hromis
Yeah, we loved it to death :) Sentiment analysis is cool tho.
Ryan Hoover
@bentossell well, I did play a ton of Tony Hawk Pro Skater as a kid.
@rrhoover @bentossell How many celebrities does this even have :P Even I got Tony Hawk :P
Duane Wilson✌️
@bentossell @billgates @rrhoover @tonyhawk does Mr Gates REALLY talk about cats as much as you do? :D
Ben Tossell
Oh no! Now the site is not working! :( Edit: it is now yay!
"502 Bad Gateway: Registered endpoint failed to handle the request." Did this crash?
Jacob Wisniewski
My second best match was Miley Cyrus lol
Phillip Yang
Ha, check this out! This is pretty cool~ See who you're similar with based off your Twitter ;)
Prateek Keshari
I match 90% to Stephen Fry. Very interesting.
Daniel F.
Halyna Tarasenko
I guess the website is dead by now? Keep saying: Twitter rate limit exceeded, come back in 15 minutes.
Stephanie Luff
I find it hilarious that I match to two comedians—Conan O'Brien and Stephen Colbert—given that I'm actually not funny at all.... I won't argue the ones I'm different from haha
Jessica Drury
I got Ashton Kutcher. Totally unexpected but I'm cool with that. :)
Aidan Wolf
95% similar to Bill Gates (apparently.)
Go Youngistaan
Non-celebrity can feel like celebrity. Just find best match Actors, Models, famous tv shows personality with yourself.
Samir Doshi
this is cool - but it's kind of a one and done thing right? How are you going to get more LTV ?