Chris Messina

SpaceCasts - Clubhouse rooms and Twitter Spaces in podcast form

Top Hunter

A live-audio creator collective. All the best Clubhouse Rooms and Twitter Spaces from the best creators and thought leaders, recorded and collected.
Want to contribute a SpaceCast? Submit here:

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Update: We also got some great coverage from Ashley Carman at the Verge! --- @brianmcc and I have been hosting experimental Clubhouse Rooms and Twitter Spaces for a few months discussing segments from his Techmeme Ride Home show. This filled a need for me since ever time I listened to his show, I wanted to go deeper into the day's tech news — but wasn't sure how to do that. After a few iterations, we soon realized that our conversations were of interest to a broader audience and started publishing them to the Techmeme Ride Home feed. Soon, it became clear that these shows were somehow just as — if not more — popular than the daily shows. There was something here! After we talked to other folks like @mattnavarra and @martinsfp who'd been hosting their own quality rooms and spaces, we decided that there was too much value in these conversations to let them only remain accessible to those who could show up for the live experience. We shared our tips for how to record these live, social audio experiences and then offered to aggregate them into a collected feed — and thus SpaceCasts was born! We're still exploring what works here — but rather than waiting for the platforms to launch proper recording and syndication, we've decided to rush ahead and see if we can help nudge their strategy in this direction. We're eager to help and work with other folks who are convening brilliant conversations on social audio platforms and who may be either intimidated by, or simply not be interested in, setting up their own bespoke podcasts. It's a heavy lift to get any podcast off the ground, and so we're levering Brian's background and expertise to accelerate this process. If this sounds like you or someone you know and you think they should contribute a SpaceCast, have them submit here: And if you want a taste of what you can expect, here's a recent episode in which we discussed the Streaming Wars and Tesla! If you want to hear more about how this came to be, here's a little more information from me! Hope you guys love it!
Brian McCullough
You don’t have to spin up your own podcast feed to let your Clubhouse rooms and Twitter spaces live on. The conversation DOESNT have to die in the room where it happens. If you've done a Room or a Space, send it our way. If you can record it (we'll show you how) we'll publish it with other great rooms and spaces from other great creators. Our audiences will overlap and we can promote each other. And yes, we're selling ads against this content, so we don't have to wait for Clubhouse and Twitter to monetize the work we are doing.
Eugene Hauptmann
@brianmcc Congrats on the launch! Are you guys using WebRTC alone or something else?
Brian McCullough
@eugenehp We've been using an array of hardware solutions thus far... myriad gadgets, wires and scotch tape. But we assume the recording aspect will get easier over time, for example, Spaces now being listen-to-able on the web should make recording from desktop much easier.
Madalyn Sklar
This is super interesting. I host three rooms each week in Spaces. I just turned one of them into a podcast. It's called All Things Audio where my co-host and I share the latest news about social audio with our commentary and then we open a discussion with our listeners. @chrismessina, can I apply for that one into your collective? Or because it's already a podcast, would you not be interested in it?
Brian McCullough
@chrismessina @madalynsklar You could submit for sure. You don't have to give up your podcast. If you want to just contribute rooms here and there to promote your own show, that's great!
Girdharee Saran
Looks awesome; very excited to check it out! Congrats on the launch!@brianmcc I can see these being super popular for content creators.
Brian McCullough
@giri The idea is, no long term commitments. Do a space tomorrow and record it? Why not send it to us so we can throw it up. Have a conversation with someone on spaces that turns out to be interesting, send it our. Way. Do a regular room and just need a place to publish it? Send it our way.
Josh Chen
@brianmcc Congratulations on launching your new podcast. Sorry to reach you cold like this. I think what I'm working on will provide value for you, so I thought I'd take a chance. It looks like this: I will love to get your thoughts on it if you think it'd be helpful for SpaceCasts.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@brianmcc @_montekaka thanks Josh! How does Castpie compare with PodLink?
Josh Chen
@brianmcc @chrismessina Hi Chris, glad that you asked. Castpie is more like a Linktree for podcast. You can add as many links you want with our (no-code) builder
Rob McDowall
I thought it was against Clubhouse terms and conditions to record a room?
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Not if you're the host and get everyone's permission who speaks. As a listener you can't record a room without permission.
Rob McDowall
Hey Chris. The terms state you also need consent from Clubhouse. I'm just concerned people get on board and you end up getting into trouble with Clubhouse, unless they've given the go ahead. "We prohibit the transcribing, recording, or otherwise reproducing, manipulating, and / or sharing of information (e.g., audio or screen recording) obtained in Clubhouse, without the express authorization / permission of Clubhouse and all users that originated this content"
Rob McDowall
Hi Chris. Do you have a reply regarding permission from Clubhouse?
Nima Owji
Pretty cool! I always wanted to listen to these spaces. I can't join most of them because of timezone. Congrats!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@nima_owji exactly! Glad you can listen in now!
ayush gupta
Such a great way to bridge the gap between creators and their audience and make their experience with the creator prolonged.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@gupta_ayushh agreed! 😄
Akshita Gupta
This is especially useful for those who follow creators that live in different parts of the world. Time Zones will no longer be an issue when it comes to connecting with creators/audience
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@guptaakshitaa 100%! That's why @nima_owji likes it!
Ivanna Wendel
I love your visuals! Great job!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
This is pretty good. I like it
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Update! We're #18 in the Technology chart on Apple Podcasts!
Melissa Du
This is awesome! Can't wait to start listening. Congrats @chrismessina and team :)
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Thanks so much @coffeestacker! Would love to have you join us on a show!
Mikhail Gorin
Congrats on the launch! This is the function Clubhouse should have, imho :)
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@mikhail_gorin perhaps, but that seems against their business interests since they really need to maintain that FOMO to get people into their app so they can help their creators monetize directly.
Puneet Joshi
This is such a good idea that helps creators so much! Can’t wait to try it out for me.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@puneetjoshi_ sweet! Let us know what you think!
Given Kibanza
so i'm actually working on a similar product, i was absolutely not aware that you guys exist. here's my project