Bradford Wolf - A 30-day challenge designed to open every mind.

byā€¢ is a 30-day email challenge designed to help you become a better creative thinker. Every day, for 30 days, we will send you an object or an idea and ask you to either Create, Transform, Disrupt, Improve, or Innovate. Good luck!

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Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @bradford_wolf, Is this a covert way of stealing really interesting design ideas?
Bradford Wolf
@jacqvon I can neither confirm nor deny šŸ˜‰
Andrew Liebchen
I canā€™t be the only one who was hoping for coffee flavored toothpaste...
Bradford Wolf
@andrewliebchen Hmm... now that's a good idea šŸ¤”ā˜ļø
@Bradford Wolf just signed up, very excited to start designing
Eoin Kavanagh
Hey @bradford_wolf, I recently launched something similar, a 100-day marketing challenge. I'd love to have a chat with you about your project!
Bradford Wolf
@eoinkavanagh9 Let's get in touch! DM me on twitter @bradford_wolf
That's nice..I like it
Camilo Micheletto

I would not be impressed if I or anyone else ended up developing any ideas, in a week of I was even sending prototypes. Do you guys have anything to do with the Power Toothpasteā„¢ idea?


The challenges are cool and intriguing and Brad always gives feedback on the answers, which is awesome


There is no Cons at all

Colin Winhall
This is brilliant! It's great how much time and effort can be seen in this project. GJ @bradford_wolf! I just wrote about the ideation process of bisociation (which I believe your project is immersed in). If you run out of ideas, feel free to check my project out where I post a different problem that needs to be solved each day. (@problem_otd on twitter) Let's maybe keep in touch and talk about some kind of collab in the future?