Julian Rothkamp

Illustrated History of iOS - A visual journey through 10 years of iOS

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I'd love to see a visual history of iPhone models like this.
Julian Rothkamp
Hi Product Hunt! It's been 10 years that Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone to the world and with it Apple's own mobile operating system. The perfect time to take a look back: from the first iPhone OS in 2007 to the latest version of iOS10. Have fun with our illustrated history of iOS! For the fans of print products, there’s also a poster version available. Use code “PH-IOS” for a 10% discount: https://stuff.git-tower.com/prod...
Dre Durr💡
This is really dope🚬🚬🚬🚬 Can you package it up and put in an ebook?
Julian Rothkamp
@dredurr thanks! No plans for that yet, but we'll keep it in mind :)