Playing with it now. So far I think this looks really good. On boarding is easy. Diff/merge tool setup was easier than sourcetree.
The working copy view is really nice. UI seems to have everything I need while staying simple.
One thing that bugs me a little bit. It's a little slow when switching branches. Could probably make it feel faster by having the new branch highlight immediately, rather than once the commit view is loaded.
Otherwise, I'm impressed & will keep playing with it.
Upgraded this morning. Great job @pointnove & team! Really nice improvement in the UX with drag to PUSH/MERGE. Auto-stashing is a super feature! Yet to setup a Git-flow, but like that button over there :)
It's great to see that so many of the feature requests I've made (or thought about making) over the years for Tower have made it into this release. Have only spent the morning with it, but I'm happy so far. Good work guys!
I bought Tower a long time ago, loved it while I used it, but it started to feel slow the more repositories I added. Eventually switched to Source Tree. But I just downloaded the Tower 2 Trial, and think it looks promising!
Hey @pointnova I'm a Tower user since the beginning.
I like the new version so far (especially the gitflow integration) - nice work guys!
I have some feedback:
- "Close window" (red dot) should keep the app running, not kill it.
- the vertical layout is nice but it's hard to read the full commit message when you are on a 13" on 15". Maybe you should not truncate the message?
Keep up the good work!
@_victa Hey Victor! Great to hear that you like the new version and awesome to have you as a long-time user :) Thanks for the feedback. Truncation is currently a bug and will be fixed soon.
Tower – Git client for Mac and Windows
Tower – Git client for Mac and Windows
PlanetScale Boost
Tower – Git client for Mac and Windows
PlanetScale Boost
Tower – Git client for Mac and Windows
PlanetScale Boost
Tower – Git client for Mac and Windows
Tower – Git client for Mac and Windows
Tower – Git client for Mac and Windows
Tower – Git client for Mac and Windows