Andrew Ettinger

Toybox - Open Beta Edition - 3D print your own toys

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Ryan Hoover
Probably my favorite tagline ever: "3D print your own toys" I love LEGOs but this is next level.
Andrew Ettinger
I don't remember how much kids toys were, but I imagine this ends up being close to the same price as buying and replacing toys often. @mscccc, let's chip in and get this for @bentossell's kid?
Ben Baltes
@mscccc @andrewett @bentossell How about this, We'll also help pitch in by knocking $50 off. :)
Gregory Koberger
I saw Toybox at Maker Faire last year, and I couldn't believe how much kids seemed to love it. This product definitely feels like LEGOs of the future. (And not in the Dippin' Dots "of the future" way... *actually*!)
Jesper Hessius
Seems like a pretty standard low end 3D printer, with the app being the USP. No info about things like temps for the hot end etc. Also seems to be single extruder but images can give the impression of single prints with multiple colours. At least one of the models they display is not "theirs" as in, at least not unique to them (as I've printed it too). But if the app works as well as they portray, maybe this could be a good first 3D printer for some
Sameer Sontakey
I literally just assembled my Prusa i3 MK2, but this one looks way easier to use (and more fun).
This looks amazing!
Clayton Parker
Interesting. I do a ton of 3dprinting replica movie/comic props and it's an interesting approach to target parents/kids. Seems like they are working on their own thingiverse type site as well. For sure would be interested in getting my hands on it to checkout
Looks great! Would want to try this with my son.
Axel Fernandes
I will question the feasibility of this project . I've tried similar business plans multiple times and the biggest challenge has always been the 'machine not working' : due to multiple reasons like sub par part quality , bad material quality, controller overheating , etc . Most children do not have patience for 3D printers . I think the parents are gonna be the real target audience here. Good luck, I am really looking forward to your launch. Also please do attribute the source of the models if you have downloaded them from places like thingiverse or turbo squid.