Hey everyone π
I am really proud to share Trace with you today. We started using it in-house and saved our design team over 100 hours already.
Using Trace requires no design experience. Upload your image and the technology automatically removes the background. It takes less than 10 seconds.
We want to help you make your awesome photos more awesome. Not everyone is a designer, but everyone wants to make beautiful things. Trace cuts out the subject (like your prized pet) so it can be used in all kinds of different projects.
The tool is completely free so try it and let us know what you think!
@baidoct@robmoore tried Floom's smart-pix and it simply gave me two FAILED errors on both photos I tried. Trace handled both these photos perfectly. I'm used to painstakingly removing backgrounds with Photoshop and the results Trace gave were as good if not better than I could have done in a fraction of the time. Based on my results today, I will use Trace from here on. Smart Pix didn't even try to remove the bg from my photos. Great job Trace team!
@robmoore Ah, glad to hear it. It would be good to have a different error message than 'Failed' when the service is overloaded. I just assumed that it couldn't handle my images, not that it was overwhelmed with traffic. The rest of the site seemed to function fine. I'll give Smart-Pix another go and see how it compares. Thanks!
@ashvi_corporation I guess they have to make a living somehow.... but for a casual user like me it's perfect. What is the alternative that you would suggest?
This is such an awesome example of "SEO project marketing" (shoutout @harrydry) and I'm sure it'll drive loads of new customers to Sticker Mule.
I was a big fan of remove.bg when it came out - good to see deep learning models being democratized and making their way into real world products!
I'm curious if you could give any detail on the model you're using - are you using UNet and what dataset did you use?
Here's an open source implementation of background removal using UNet if anyone is interested:
Congratulations on the launch! :)
@elisiya_uiver Trace works great on mobile too! In Safari, upload a photo from your photo library, make any edits, then download. Your downloaded image will appear in the upper right where you can select it and either add to your library, share, or do whatever. Here's an example: https://share.getcloudapp.com/z8...
@deleted-2198008 Do you mean they are sharing a tool in exchange for a small percentage of visitors who find value in making them stickers for moneyz? That's the exact opposite of spam.
Sticker Mule
Robot Recipes
Snap Wear
Sticker Mule
Sticker Mule
Marketing Examples
Sticker Mule
Sticker Mule
Sticker Mule
Sticker Mule
Sticker Mule
TRASH: Vibe Check
Sticker Mule
Sticker Mule
Sticker Mule
ocrX Image to Text
Sticker Mule
TRASH: Vibe Check
Sticker Mule
Sticker Mule
Sticker Mule