
Tracks - Running with Stories - No more boring running - run with stories and missions


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Same jogging course can be more exciting with Tracks. The platoon and growlers are waiting for you. Plug in your earbuds, Just run! Let your body listen, feel, and react to the growlers chasing after you. Our crowdfunding kicks off at Indiegogo! Don't miss out! Get TRACKS App at 40% discount price! Limited offer, Hurry up! https://igg.me/at/NotqWlmXFqo/x/...
Very interesting. Great idea.
Do you love jogging or running? Join our beta tester! Don't miss out. Be the first one who meet Growlers! http://goo.gl/eBneh6
Paul Shustak
Definitely targets a problem for me, but I'm not in to war/military stuff so I probably wouldn't use it. That said I could see this finding a market. Also if these stories prove popular they could have a life in other channels, particularly gaming. Cool idea for sure.
I built a similar app but for walking :D love it! big kudos :)
Signed up for the beta, hope to get my invite soon. Looks great!
@bluespringstn Thank you for joining! Beta test will be start in this weekend. please wait a little more! Thank you, Jason!
Hi, Tracks featured on TNW! Check our our story! http://thenextweb.com/lifestyle/...
Hey, I just added your awesome product on my Collection. ‘App for Life.’ http://bit.ly/appforlife Thanks. Please, check it out.
Kwanghee Lee
Hi, guys. Tracks featured on Google play's Early Access Section! No more wait. Please join now. Give it a run - https://play.google.com/apps/tes...
Kwanghee Lee
Tracks is available on both GooglePlay and AppStore. Check it out now. https://tracks.app.link/tracks-ph
Kwanghee Lee
"No, Growlers, #WeCantJustGetAlong." Get Stories only for the run at $0.99. 80% Discounted!😎 Don't miss out CyberMonday Limited Chance until 30, November. Get Tracks App https://tracks.app.link/blf-fb
Kwanghee Lee
Hello there, Tracks get featured on Google Play Globally! Don't miss out 50% OFF Chance! https://tracks.app.link/0SFO2NpIpF