Kevin William David

TradingConnector - Fastest route to trading when you sleep

TradingConnector is a tool integrating TradingView (platform for traders with 10m+ monthly users) with 1000+ non-crypto brokers. Only one in the world - if someone wants to auto-execute TradingView Alerts on a non-crypto market (forex, commodities, indices), TradingConnector is his only choice.

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Tom Wisniewsky
Hey, Tom here. I started trading as many noobs during late 2017 crypto bonanza. Needless to say - I got burned big time:) But unlike many other noobs, I didn't run away. I learned from it. To cut the story short, my lessons were: - don't trade crypto, but Forex, which is less manipulated (hard to manipulate trillions of $$) - don't trade manually, because it is gambling - don't trade manually, because stress will eat you alive Having said all of that, I learned coding trading algorithms in TradingView's scripting language called PineScript. It was my first coding language, I didn't code before. Yes, it is totally doable, coding noobs can build algorithms of medium-complexity after 2-3 weeks of getting into PineScript. I cannot describe how surprising it was for me to realize, that after developing and backtesting my trading algorithm, I couldn't... execute it. There was just no connection to the entire world of Forex/indices/commodities brokers from TradingView. That's how TradingConnector was built. TradingView is full of free open-source strategies and indicators developed by a wide community of 10m+ users. Either find already exisitng trading strategy and adjust it to your expectations and trading style, or create your own. Here are some useful links: - - open-source EURUSD strategy, the one which backtest is on the screenshot - - another open-source Forex strategy, code includes advanced ways of integration with TradingConnector - - huge library of open-source trading indicators and strategies created by PineScript Wizards - - a place to start, if you're willing to learn PineScript. At the end of your road, you'll need TradingConnector. You already know where to find it.