Cody Hatfield 2.0 - Automatically track TV & movies you're watching.

Automatically track what you're watching. Find where to watch TV & movies and discover what's hot.

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Justin Nemeth started as a side project when @rudf0rd, @jimmydouglas and I wanted scrobbling functionality for XBMC (now Kodi). Automatic tracking of what we watched and collected made scaling a media collection easier and a lot more fun. Little did we know that it would turn into a full-time job! We have scrobblers for all major media centers and a full featured API that powers lots of mobile apps and other community projects. Four years in, we now have over one million users, all acquired organically with no marketing budget or outside investors. We have those users to thank for making this journey possible, as the majority of our operational costs are covered by VIPs who have contributed money year after year. Thank you so much!
Jimmy Douglas
And what a ride it has been! We are so grateful for all of the support from the community over the years. This is only the beginning! By the way, for those who like our rebrand and new site design, take a look at Darick is the mastermind behind our beautiful new look.
Justin Nemeth
I created a collection to keep track of powered apps as they're hunted.
I hate to sound like an old man here, but why would I want to track what I watch on TV? I read your site but I'm still a bit confused on what benefits I get from this?
Justin Nemeth
@fbara Hey Frank, there are lots of benefits with 2 standing out the most. As a member, you get a customized progress page to keep track of exactly where you're at with watching all your shows. With streaming and binge watching so common these days, our users get a lot of benefit with Trakt keeping track of this for them. For an example, here is my progress page: Another benefit is discovering new movies and TV shows to watch. Good places to start there are the trending pages for TV shows ( and movies (
@fbara the other thing about tracking what shows you are watching is that people are watching more TV than ever on a multiple of hardware and platforms. It is extremely convenient to know what the last episode I was watching, how many episodes left in a season, etc. And then there is the sharing factor. You post to social and people will reach out to you. Getglue and Miso laid the foundation, however managing personal time like TV is easily one of the next big nuggets to crack.
Jimmy Douglas
@zedsq @fbara Yes. Thank you! On that note of multiple hardware, with you can actually set it up so you can pick up where you left off from one device to the next.
Ryan Stubbs
I came across Trakt a while ago and even built my own little 'check-in' mobile web app using their API so I'm a big fan. The new design looks amazing!
Justin Nemeth
@ryanstubbs Glad you like it Ryan, thanks!
Stefan Wild
Love the polished look and the numbers are impressive. From what I've seen the API is pretty solid, too. I'm sending you an e-mail about integrating with – very excited about this.
Justin Nemeth
@stefanwild Nice Stefan, the timer based approach to comments while watching whenever is awesome. We've had similar ideas, so its cool to see someone build it!
Brett Hardin
I'm a huge fan of goodreads and searched for a bunch of products that did what Trakt does. What made me choose Trakt over the other's was the external API. Thanks guys for making an awesome product.
Justin Nemeth
@brett_hardin Awesome, thanks Brett! The API has enabled a ton of awesome apps and integrations, glad you're making use of it too.
Rick Bannerman
Been using Trakt for years and always recommended to everyone using XMBX/Kodi. I love being able to browse new movies while filtering the ones I've seen or rating episodes right after I finish watching on my htpc. Syncing your media library on all your devices so you can see what you've watched is amazing. I look at my profile progress page every time I'm looking for something to watch.
Justin Nemeth
@plexkits Thanks for recommending us!
Justin Nemeth
@plexkits Kale Hulk status achieved!
Daniel Larsson
The fact that I had no idea I needed this blows my mind. Love the idea, and the UI looks amazing.
Justin Nemeth
@daniellarsson Welcome :) and thanks for the kind words.
Sitesh Shrivastava
Thanks folks for making this! I have been using this for couple of years now and remember what a mess it used to be to track the latest episode that you watched last. Never again :)
Justin Nemeth
@shrivastavasitz awesome, glad it's helping you out :)
Peter Mello
The $30 I spend on Trakt VIP status is some of the best money is without question some of the best money I spend each year. The fact is that with cord-cutting and the streaming a la carte revolution, we gained tremendous freedom and far better entertainment options as a whole. What few people ever speak of though is that we also took on a rather large burden of needing to curate our own viewership as well, somehow needing to keep abreast of what's happening in entertainment enough to know what to give our attention to without that becoming a bigger time loss than the constant commercials were. God damn you, nature, and your eternal abhorrence of vacuums... Those worries ended for me when I found Trakt. Now I know what I've watched, the episodes I liked best from things I watched years ago that merit a rewatch, and every show that I ever heard something interesting about and said to myself "I should check that out sometime." All of that and live insights into what gobs of people are watching and what they're liking, available through a fast, pretty responsive web site that I use on my phone as much as my PC, that's what Trakt is to me. Oh yeah, it also allows me to reconnect with friends that live far away now, letting us see what each other is watching and giving us that perfect lead-in to a casual chat that is often hard to initiate with someone you don't see anymore. If you're thinking to yourself that this has to be the epitome of first-world problems, you're absolutely right. If Trakt disappears tomorrow, nobody dies, nobody goes to jail, and life goes on much as it always has. You know what, though? I live in the first world, and if you're here on Product Hunt with me, chances are awfully good that you live here too. At some point we have to let go of the guilt we have about living in an age where we're not fighting for survival anymore and just do what humans have always done: adapt and improve. Trakt is a major improvement in one of the few ways I allow myself to have for recreation, and I'm pretty sure if you went there now, you'd quickly feel the same way.
Ross Currie
Great idea - I tend to use to track my TV viewing (though mostly to see what's out on any given day). Any plans to ad WDLiveTV support?
Justin Nemeth
@rossdcurrie Thanks Ross! At one point a developer was trying to create a scrobbler for WD devices, but I don't think he got too far since it was limited what info they could detect. I was hoping WD had Plex client, but that doesn't appear to be the case either.
Nathen McVittie
Been using Trakt for a while. Is this an initial submit? I don't see anything new, but the "2.0" in the title made me check...
Justin Nemeth
@nathenmcvittie We launched the 2.0 platform at the beginning of the year with 1.0 before that dating back to inception in 2010.
Great design! I've been using for years but this looks better. I wont migrate since I have loads and loads of data....or do you have any import tool? thanks.
Justin Nemeth
@deambulando Shout out to @darickdang on the design goodness :) We will be working on native data importers in the near future. For now, there are several 3rd party importers built on top of our API. One of the best importers is called TraktRater ( by @damienhaynes. There are some others on github too if you search around. What format do they export data in?
Sara LaMothe
Just signed up and will check it you support the site
Justin Nemeth
@saral_artist not that I know of. We do have an open API which could be used to integrate Trakt into if they are interested in doing so. Happy to provide info if they reach out to us.
Sara LaMothe
@barnt awesome..they're pretty friendly when it comes to listening to suggestions..I've talked with them before..maybe I'll share your site with them..couldn't hurt!
Justin Nemeth
@saral_artist awesome, thank you.
Vignesh Rao

Great way to keep track of your entire watch history


Gives accurate info on TV shows and movies, highly customisable dashboard, reminds you of unwatched episodes of shows you follow

