
Transferslot 2.0 - Easily buy and sell side-projects


Transferslot is a curated marketplace where founders can sell their project to our community of potential buyers.

All submissions are carefully reviewed to ensure that only good quality projects are listed.

Every product is sent via the weekly newsletter and we offer options to increase the chance of selling, including dedicated email, and unlimited re-listing.

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Srikanth Noah
Fantastic Job, I've seen several sites , which after Flippa's success, but yours is awesome and feast to eye. I've some suggestions , so the selling product will be more effective for buyers. 1. Site Established Year. 2. Google Traffic Stats 3. Total Registered Users / Email Subscribers 4. Technologies used in site. 5. Maintenance costs. That's for now. All the best guys :)
@srikanth_noah Thank you so much for your suggestions! We started working on the Google Analytics API to get the stats. But for the rest, yes it's really interesting, I'll take note of that!
Dainis Kanopa
did you sell any project (example urls) already?
@dainiskanopa Unfortunately, we don't have any news on that side. We know when a project's owner has been reached out, indicating a potential interest, but we don't have news of what happens next. It's possible that some products have been sold and the owner haven't told us, or that none have been sold. We plan to add some use cases for when we'll have official news of a successful sale :)
Daniel Ravina
@cx42net wouldn’t you want to be part of the transaction? Where will your revenue come from? Im asking this because it can really help you on the marketing side. As a buyer or seller I would Iove to first see success stories instead of list of company with no profit, selling for thousands. Kinda like how indiehackers are doing)
@danielravina We planed to get revenue from the "Trusted Member Program", members of this program gets early access to newly added projects and can veto a project they like before it goes live, giving them more power. You can have more informations about it via: We decided not to go for Escrow because, mainly in France where we are, law regarding exchange of money/services while being a third party is hellish. Maybe implement some bitcoin instead of real money? Well, we'll think about the posibilities :)
Don The Idea Guy
@cx42net - Pretty certain "Tiny Reminder" sold. Just received a notice from the original creator stating she sold it andnew people were taking over. She didn't specifically say it sold on your site, but I see it listed there (and it still says available), so either she needs to close it out becuase of the sale, or the new owner listed it!
@dontheideaguy Thanks for the tip, I'll take note in contacting them and see if that's the case. It would make a great use case too if they sold through Transferslot :)
Hi everyone! I'm excited to share with you today the new version of Transferslot, a marketplace that was originally aimed at Product Hunt projects to be sold, but now open to anyone. We already have a few projects online, and I hope that you'll love the redesign we made, and maybe you'll make some bucks selling your abandoned project, or find your next gem there! Feel free to ask if you have any questions :)
Dragan Babić
@cx42net This looks really promising and reputable. I've signed a project up for sale, even! (Hint: it's been featured, and met with lots of approval here on PH 😉)
Ben Tossell
@cx42net Nice work. Putting some of my projects up now :)
@bentossell Awesome, thank you! :)
@draganbabic Noted! Thank you!! we will review it (and the others) soon :)
Josh Ettwein
@cx42net @draganbabic reputable if you include posting scammers' "projects". I paid someone selling their project, and the guy went completely AWOL, stringing me along for a couple of days, then a week, with fake login credentials to what is supposedly the blog he sold me. Thankfully, it was a small amount of money, but as they say, buyer beware. I'm out my money and have no recourse.
Devin Rajaram
Very neat concept. I would however add more details for the purchase. Proof of ownership, analytics, proof of revenue, etc.
Antoine Minoux
@devinrajaram Thanks Devin! Yes, we plan to add more attributes like those. We are also halfway into pulling data from the Google Analytics API. We plan to crunch all the data and display it back nicely to potential buyers. The advantage here is that all the data would come from a verified source!
Devin Rajaram
@antoineminoux You can also look into a source like for business data integration.
Nils S.
Great idea and execution. I could see myself selling side projects of mine there.
@bausofthenauf Awesome! Feel free to ask if you have any questions in the process, and remember that using Transferslot to sell is entirely free!
Shashank Rajurkar
@bausofthenauf There is another option, if you want to grow your side project into a startup business. Try
Alex Vishnewvskii
Good idea and design without mess. It's great!
@wishnewsky Thank you :)
Fabrice Thilaw
Everyone is being fascinated by your website, me too. It's nice, when things go that way
Antoine Minoux
@thilawfab Thanks for the kind words, Fabrice! I think "fascinated" might be a bit too big, but we are very happy to see some traction for this niche. We are makers ourselves and marketplaces like Flippa were just too diluted with mediocre/bad/spammy listings. That's why we are trying to focus on curation more. Thanks again!
Personally, have nothing to sell yet :) However, I love the design. Looks very clean. Fantastic job!
@rusty_td Thank you :) That's because of the awesome work made by Antoine :)
Craig Williams
Hi Cyril. Love the design - looks great. Also, like the model where you guys do a match behind the scenes before offering to the market. Just a couple of points. On some of the projects the description appears to be cut-off. Are you limiting this? Also, on the Selling page there's a typo - "buying digital products in your nice" should be niche. Also, are you thinking about escrow services? Seriously considering dropping my side-project on to see if there's any interest. All the best.
@ichillidesign Hi Craig, thank you for the warm words! We initially decided to go with a small descritpion only (max 250 chars) to avoid to many data on the front page, but it's something we may change in the future because it's too light to explain a project, even more when you want to explain the stack. The typo has been fixed :) About escrow, I saw that recently launched their API, so I need to check for this, but for now, we are only listing projects, but not handling directly the selling (as it would add more complication regarding law, regulation and risk in the process). Don't hesitate to ask questions if you plan to add your(s?) project(s), and keep in mind that it's free :)
Kasper Dolk
Super nice design. Little bug: it automatically scrolls to the bottom because the name field is selected. Maybe something to fix. Congrats on the launch!
Antoine Minoux
@kasperdolk Hey Kasper! Thanks a lot for telling us — Seems like there was an issue on Safari. I've fixed it and it should work normally now!
Corey Crossfield
This is very cool and very well designed.
@coreycrossfield Thanks !! :)
Kevin Natanzon
This is really good. I think there's a lot you can learn from what is doing wrong (many things). Also, if you're going to be listing iOS apps, make sure they don't have Passbook entitlement enabled. This will make it untransferable:
@kevinnatanzon Yes indeed. I personnally started to receive news from Flippa, hoping to get the next big thing to work on. And everytime something was looking good was present on Flippa, it was full of bad indicators, like launched a month ago, high visitors (certainly click farms), etc. So that's why we worked on this new version of Transferslot :)
Great idea! Would love the ability to filter projects by market/asking price.
@ios_javi Thanks for the idea. It's true that at the beginning, it was not necessary as we were struggling to even get projects, but now, it may be something that could be useful :)
P-A Gustafsson
Quality of projects for sale need to improve significantly.
@pagustafsson Could you clarify what do you mean by that? thanks :)
Paul Maloney
Looks a cool product!!!
@p_maloney Thank you :)
Travis R
This is the dumbest product hunt suggestion I have ever seen and the most intrusive way to show off your print on demand website.
@travis_r Thank you for your warm wor... wait what?
This is a great idea. What type of people are on the buy-side for this?
@followrosemary Anyone in fact. It's open to all, but only the members in the "Trusted" program have early access to the projects, giving them a head start in choosing the project before it goes public.
Kestas Vaitelis
Interesting! I would also verify buyers that would bring value to the site.
@kestasvv What do you mean by verifying buyers? We ask to confirm the email to be sure it's not some abuse, and we review all the submitted project to ensure there is nothing bad submitted. What would you suggest we should do?
Kestas Vaitelis
@cx42net I mean actual buyers, people that are looking to purchase businesses and have money to do so. This enormously increases the value for everyone.
Kestas Vaitelis
@cx42net Good investment advice is a service as well, so buyer who agrees to be verified would get special features like early deal access etc...
Antoine Minoux
@cx42net @kestasvv Kestas, that's actually exactly what we are trying to solve with the "Trusted Buyer Program" — !
Josh Ettwein
@kestasvv Verifying sellers would be really great as well. I got burned on this service once and can't justify trying it again, as much as I love the idea. Until there's a way to have sellers somehow prove their claimed metrics (google analytics, bank statements, etc.), and especially a way to prove they even own the thing they are supposedly selling, I'm not a user.
Justin Mitchell
20k asking price, no revenue haha
@itsthisjustin Yes, some owners are asking a lot. We initially were open to any price without much thought, but after getting some projects like the one you are referring too, we decided to add a "Reason" textarea in the submit page to understand better why the owner is asking for such a high price. We are discoverning some edge case we didn't thought initially and finding ways to remediate them the best we can for our community.
Mihec Podlesek🚀
Nice job @cx42net! Love it, especially cause it's curated and strictly for meaningful side projects.
@mihec Thank you!! :)