
tray - simple site builder for sharing notes and links


✧ tray is an alternative to tools like Linktree, ContactInBio, or Campsite. In addition to links, tray lets you add freeform text and nested pages – all for free! there's no "pro" version of tray – all features are made for everyone. ✧

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i've always wanted a more casual personal space on the internet. spaces abound, but none of them are quite right. so i made tray. it's a site builder, kind of like Linktree, Carrd, or but it's a bit different. i wanted something minimal, meant for sharing stuff with friends. nothing splashy. not too many features. i'm not an influencer, or a growth hacker. i’m just a normal person, who doesn’t want to write a blog or start a newsletter. i’ve got some cool links though, and some half-formed ideas. what's next? audio. 🔊 i've got a lot of abandoned tracks lying around in dropbox (and i know a lot of musician friends do too). i'd like tray to be a home for those lost tapes. lost tapes, cool links, shower thoughts. 📥
Jett chen
Is there any way to self host this?
@jett_chen i'm planning to make a simple API (probably read-only at first), so you can style the JSON however you want. does that sound like something you'd be interested in? or is it more the custom domain you're interested in?
Jett chen
@jett_chen @0l0 I'm more interested in custom domains, however an API would be nice.
Taha ahmed khan
This is a cool product
@tahaqadri thank you! ☺️
I love this project. Simple, clean, no frills, no bs. Bravo