@rrhoover Yeah, good point on org. size / threshold. It didn't take @ Yammer (we fell back on specs in Google Docs, Jira, Github...) although I tried to do a spec in Trello one time.
But we use it at Do (5 person team) and it works well in tandem with Github, Slack, etc.
I wonder if anyone @ Trello has info on which org sizes / teams it's best for, and whether other products like Asana, Basecamp, etc. have comps.
@rrhoover I'd love to hear what kind of issues you ran into using Trello with larger organizations. We're always looking for ways to improve the product.
I'd also be happy to answer any questions people have about our product or team.
@justingallagher I'd love to ask you a question.
Aside from the interface (which, personally, I found a bit too heavy because of the prominent blue color, I prefer black on white backgrounds), is there a way, Justin, to use trello to "focus on today task"?
I am a devoted fan of "do 1 thing at a time", trello is awesome, the whole card things is perfect to visualize instantly the status, yet it falls short when I want to focus on just one thing.
Is there a way to do that in trello that I missed? How would you do that?
We're 12 people, mostly engineers. We're using Basecamp for 'ideas in discovery' that need to be fleshed out, tested, iterated. We rank top to bottom todos as a loose roadmap. As work gets vetted and deserves to go to production 'delivery stage' we use Pivotal Tracker.
I tried Trello and wanted to fall in love (I used it personally but then reverted back to Wunderlist for personal todos), but it feels like a Pivotal without structure (which is fine...we're not dogmatic Pivotal users either) but also without different story states for moving from development environments to production.
What is your workflow @rrhoover and/or @clarkvalberg? By the way, LOVING Invisionapp!
I included you in a blog post today along with some other great product management tools not mentioned here:
We're BIG fans of Trello here and use it across all departments. So much so that we actually featured their design team on our blog today!
We used Trello for a while and loved it. Started to outgrow as we added products and team members. Would use for any small team with 1 or 2 projects or products.
Trello is the best tool I've found to organize projects of all kind and communicate about them. We use Trello to keep track of work in progress across several different departments and cross-functional teams, to prioritize Backlogs, to facilitate Retrospectives, to create Release Plans and Capacity Plans, and so much more. Trello's simple and intuitive UX makes it super flexible and easy to get the whole company onboard. The flexibility of their notifications helps with the signal to noise issues that email and many other PM toolshave.
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