Dejon Brooks

Trend Watchers - Get Access To Over 1000 + New Trends Weekly!

We notify content creators about trends before they blow up!

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Dejon Brooks
Hey Product Hunters, My name is Dejon Brooks and I'm the now 20-year-old Founder of Trend Watchers. Our mission to help content creators spot trends early & show them how to use trends to create entertaining content. There are other services out there that notify people about trends but they are mainly focused on helping investors & entrepreneurs. There are very few tools out there that help content creators which is why I created Trend Watchers. Here is what you can expect from Trend Watchers: ⚡ Daily trend alerts across 50+ different categories. ⚡ Easy to navigate dashboard, then can save trends of your interest. ⚡ Access to The Viral Video Maker, if you need some content ideas. Our service also works for ✔️ Business ideas ✔️ Dropshipping product research ✔️ SEO ✔️ Other social media platforms ✔️ Investors We strive to issue over 1,000+ new trends weekly. Let me know in the comments below if you would like us to cover additional categories. We love feedback! Thanks! Dejon