Treo Sites makes it easy to access real user data without setting up scripts or tracking. Compare your website with competitors and explore user experience metrics for your domains and URLs.
Hi everyone 👏!
Two years ago, Google announced Chrome UX Report dataset. I've been immediately excited because it provided remarkable data collected from real-world Chrome users. I started to explore it, and it was tricky: BigQuery, JSON format, the dataset is huge (the first day I spent 60 euro, just running basic queries). So I started to prototype the CrUX Viewer.
Two years later, here we are. Treo Sites shows user experience metrics for your websites. Sign up, enter a domain, see a detailed report, compare with your competitors, add URLs, improve using Lighthouse recommendations.
It's still will cost 50 euro (12 TB to scan) to get the same data for one domain using BigQuery, but when done on a scale, it can be a service with a 14-day free trial.
I hope you like it! 🥳🎉