Launch multiplayer games, in group video calls. 🎮
Tribe Games — Launch multiplayer games, in group video calls. 🎮

Tribe Games is the first live multiplayer gaming app with your friends, while video calling!

Adrien Dulong
Awesome move from the team. Really new and great experience! 👊🏼
Antoine Martin
So impressed by this team. New ideas, great UX, and awesome mechanics every time. Congrats, already having tons of fun with it!
@an21m Thanks Antoine 🙏🏼 Highly appreciate coming from you 💫
Chen Zeev
This looks cool. Was disappointed that tribe V1 didn’t work out. Was so much better than Marco Polo.
𝔏aurent 𝔇el ℜey
@bulleitandcoke Let's say that it was 2 different visions. 👀
Hey folks! 👋 We've been building this while moving from SF to LA this summer. 🌴 It’s live now. Enjoy! 🤘
Ognjen Vukovic
@cyrilpaglino Looks really good. I will. :) Be sure to check out our tool , it will be very interesting to you. https://www.producthunt.com/upco...

New kind of multiplayer social game.

Innovation is the key word @Tribe.

Keep going guys !


Innovative and interactive


We just want more games !!

David Lumm
I tried Tribe a little while back, but I couldn't get any of my friends and family to join, which sucked. This looks like a really cool addition. Now I just need to try again to get people to join!
Louis Malfoy
Love it, it’s a special and unique experience to play fun games with your friends. The app really feels alive. My favorite games are « Speed Racer » and « Scream! ». Congrats 🤘🏻✨
@louis_malfoy thanks Louis ! We should play to speed racer together ;)
Leroy Etienne
Very nice design guy, congrats. I bet you guys have seen HQ? would love to see something similar with tribe. Crowsourced video trivia?
Clément Falchier
Good job guys! 🔥🔥
Jean-Sébastien Wallez
Well done guys! 👏📱👾🚀

Tribe rocks!


Social video live gaming is in da house


More games to come

Tom Benattar
😍 love it! Good job Tribe team 🙌
Vincent Tellier
One more update from genius team ... Nothing else
𝔏aurent 𝔇el ℜey
@vtllr *blushing* 🙏
Lyondhür Picciarelli

I always try to use it whenever someone I need to talk to isn’t on my Facebook Messenger. It’s dead simple and super reliable. Plus, they have an amazingly attentive team and a solid project culture. Although I’m definitely not a fan of mixing gaming while talking to people (it’s a video call app experience), that’s who they are. They will try things out, no matter how wild they may seem.


It’s a great, quick and simple overall communications app.


Play games while you talk to your friends/family? That’s rude.. :)

Mathieu Gandou
very bello 🚀
Andrew Wooldridge
What are the games built with? Native code or web standards?
@andrew_wooldridge depends the game, majority of them in native code.
Benjamin Durand

nothing more.


Real social gaming !


More games ! I thinks is coming ;-)


loved the idea before trying it!!! after trying it i guess it needs more work but it's a great start


hmmm.... was very hard to do anything. messy experience. sorry


wonder about performance in more content rich titles? the games are not the best ones

Ryan Hoover
This is quite different from the v1 of Tribe that launched a few years ago. Curious to why you decided to go this direction, @cyrilpaglino. P.S. for others: subscribe to Gameroom if you're interested in these types of apps (cc @selcukatli).
@rrhoover different indeed :) From asynchronous to synchronous, now adding this layer of games. We've add the first games last May (draw, blindtest) and slowly saw better engagement & retention on this cohort of users playing games. We also received tons of feedbacks from users asking for more Games. Since day one at Tribe, we've always try to follow our convictions and mixed it with users feedbacks. Its a tough and fast moving market, we keep being agile and flexible when it comes to product iterations.
@cyrilpaglino @rrhoover Thanks Ryan! And congrats Cyril on the launch of your new iteration. We've been working on this for a while as well, I guess good teams think alike :) if you're looking for more games, I'd recommend you give our product a try as well here: http://joingameroom.com/
@rrhoover @selcukatli thanks ! 've been in your beta lately, impressive work :) Checking again rn
@rrhoover @selcukatli @cyrilpaglino amazing new pivot. I actually think this iteration is a very refreshing take on synchronous video. But, Tribe spammed my contacts on several occasions.. can we trust you on this one?