Sheerly Genius Indestructible Tights - Indestructible sheer tights made of bulletproof fibers 💪
Sheerly Genius, the indestructible sheer tights that raised $190K on Kickstarter, have come to Indiegogo with new perks and a new goal! Rip-proof, snag-proof, life-proof. Made with Sheertex, a proprietary yarn made from the fibers in bulletproof vests. Up to 10x stronger than steel, tested up to 50 wears. So strong you can't cut them with scissors!
Plugo: An immersive, educational AR gaming system - Tactile & digital play unified to bring the best of STEM
A gaming system fuelled with the power of augmented reality that comes with four gaming kits: Quest, Count, Link and Steer.
Check it out on Kickstarter
Designed for kids between the ages of 5 and 11 years, each kit comes with many exciting educational games that are conceptualized to make your child learn, play and have fun—all at the same time.
Stairslide: Indoor Slide For Stairs - The safer, durable, non-permanent slide for indoor stairs.
Stairslide is a semi-permanent children's slide for indoor stairs—a safer alternative to using a sleeping bag, cardboard box, or something worse! We're looking at you, kid in the laundry basket wearing aviator goggles!