Martin Kucera

Tripomatic 3.0 - Itinerary planner for independent travelers

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Martin Kucera
Hi Product Hunters! Here's a reward for all test drivers: Get Tripomatic Premium for 3 months, no strings attached. Just fill out this form: Tripomatic Premium allows you to use Tripomatic offline on iOS and Android and unlocks alternative map layers.
Barbora Nevosadova
Hi there, I'd love to hear if there is anything you lack on Tripomatic to use it for planning your trips. I appreciate any feedback or suggestions.
David Iwanow
@nevosadova you should look at an integration with Rome2rio for transport options
Kavita Khandhadia
@nevosadova I spent quite a lot time on this to create a trip to Hong Kong and also tried inviting from Friend on it. I think this workflow is bit broken as once the new user has joined the trip. He/she is clueless and not able to think what to do NOW? Also, the new user us not able to see what kind of trip he or she has been invited to . You know like one shot glance at the trip. For example day 1 this, day 2 this etc. Hope this helps!
Sam Dickie
going to test this tonight for my trip to Sri Lanka next week. been using google maps and taking screenshots then uploading to Evernote. This should save me time!
Barbora Nevosadova
@samdickie87 Great! If you encounter any issues, please let me know.
Nikunj Agrawal
Wow!! This sounds interesting :) I travel solo extensively and would love to test this out. I've been using google docs, drive, maps, dropbox and bunch of other things for it but a niche app sounds good.
Barbora Nevosadova
@nikunjagr Give it a try, I believe that Tripomatic is great for people who travel on their own. And please let me know your thoughts what we could do better.
John Alexander
looks really great! Interested to hear where you are pulling data from?
Martin Kucera
@johnalxndr Hi John, thanks for joining the conversation! We have a team of curators handpicking the most interesting places. Also, our users can submit their favorite attractions and add photos.
Amanda Nagy (Ingle)
Ohhh i'm going to SF at the end of the month - I'm going to give this a try. :)
Barbora Nevosadova
@amandacnagy Have a great trip and please let me know what your experience with Tripomatic was!
Pierre Becerril
@nevosadova @mrtnkcr @lukasnevosad That's a really well achieved product. Really like the feeling of browsing all of these places on the map, without additional distraction. Just checked out Berlin where I just relocate and found out a few places that I should check out ;) You guys should submit it to our, so we can include it in the next version!
Barbora Nevosadova
@pierrebecerril Thanks Pierre, we'll do that!
Joshua Pinter
This makes you want to travel more. That's the sign of a great travel product. Well done!
Martin Kucera
@joshuapinter Thanks, Joshua - enjoy your travels and we'll be happy for any feedback.
Zach Wentz
Couldn't have better timing, headed to London, Ireland, and France end of next week.
Martin Kucera
@wentz__ Great! Don't forget to apply for your free Premium account via Thank you and have fun on your trip!
Aleh Tsikhanau
Nice, similar to but doesn’t have automatic touring
Sonny T.
Love love love this! I used it to plan my trip to China and it's great! Good job guys!
Martin Kucera
@sonnyt Have fun on your trip and we'll be happy for any feedback! Send it here or directly to Thank you!
David Iwanow
Damn this is cool!
Rob Designs
Tripomatic is the best thing that happened to traveling. I will use it for my upcoming trip to South Korea. Very excited about it!
Martin Kucera
@robertsozolins Have a great time in Korea and let us know how Tripomatic helped you planning the trip. Thank you!
Some Guy
Awesome awesome interface.
Martin Kucera
@ghobs91 Thank you.
Maarten Belmans
Looks beautiful! will definately try it in Australia
Martin Kucera
@poehah Enjoy! We'll appreciate any feedback - get in touch with us here or directly via Thank you.
Yoni Cohen
Looks interesting! Reminds me Utrip ( Wonder how two itineraries to the same place would compare...
Ranjita S
@mrtnkcr Excellent product, i am going to use this product for my next trip. Also adding this to my travel collection. All the best :)
Melanie Hidalgo-Britt
I looked at this a few months ago and then again today and the additional features are amazing. Awesome app! Def recommending to my cousin that travels non stop for work!
Richart Ruddie
This is really helpful for travelers who want a different guide than Tripadvisor. Awesome!
This is alternative best trip planner