I like the concept but dont make me register before I can actually see you perform and deliver results that I cant get from other tools out there like Kayak.
@imrat Hi Tijn, Glad you mentioned this. Actually, you can skip the sign-up process and still get results with relevant TripScores. Just use the "Skip signup for now" link, and you'll be good to go!
Hi, I’m Charles, CEO & Founder of TripStreak. The idea came out of my own frustration with searching for the best options on my own trips. In short, I got fed up with all the browser tabs, side documents, and massive amounts of time required before clicking the ‘purchase’ button, so I decided to bootstrap a startup to solve this problem.
Our team is very excited to introduce a new way to search for flights. I’m here to answer your questions about the site and help you get started. If you have any questions, please let me know. I can also be reached at charles@tripstreak.com.
@chaz90266 how does this differ from Flightfox.com? Last time I used them they were crowdsourcing the bookings through a network of independent travel agents. Sort of like a 99designs for travel bookings. Is your solution people-powered or machine-powered?
@sshah1983 it's been a while since I last used Flighfox, but I seem to remember that you could provide your award miles balances to them and they would take that into consideration when making booking recommendations.
@sixside Hi Jason, you were spot-on about Flightfox in that they're people-powered. Our solution is definitely machine-powered and doesn't come with any fees.
All - I wanted to send a quick "thank you" to everyone who upvoted us and commented on this page yesterday. Of the hundreds of products that get submitted everyday, only 10 or so get featured on the front page. Check out the time graph above to see the effect this had for us.
All of you helped make that happen, and we're truly grateful! If you'd like to stay updated on all things TripStreak, please sign up at: http://eepurl.com/bBGjxT
Thanks again,
I like the concept of this but what I really need is a way to optimally redeem my hoard of 1.6M+ miles. If you built some magic that allowed me to enter in my FF account details and then search options for using miles vs. cash that would be a game changer for me. Totally understand however that airlines don't make it easy for 3rd party services to see award redemption availability.
I believe that everyone here has great points already. I'm really into the experience of the app on its own and then in comparison to others. So just on its own, I've found it to be extremely simple and fast to navigate. I absolutely love the minimal design. I think the design is the last thing you have to tinker with to be honest. I say leave the filter process as...it is clean, fast and familiar. There's no need to be completely different than the others that are actually successful. I'm not a frequent flyer but I can understand the sentiments of those who spoke on having features for them. I come from a place where it's always an ordeal for me to find a flight for my mom when she goes on trips. And having something straight forward for her and even myself to use honestly is something that would put us both at ease when booking flights. I have to find a flight for her now for New Orleans. I think I'll try TripStreak first this time. I like it. I even like the preferences you can place on your profile. This may be overly positive but that's my honest experience thus far and that's usually rare for me. Maybe I'll revisit when I go through the entire process. For now, I think you're on the right track reviewing your application mostly on its own.
I dig the visuals, the average of the market is "rather ugly", but the search system is everything but slick and transparent.
Too many clicks to sort things etc (things you would do with sorting and filters) before actually seeing the search results and apply your mindset to them ("I prefer direct flight even if I have to add <200€ for this destination" for instance). Flight details could also be a bit more visual for scanning purposes, but I do like the fare details, on-flight perks (or the lack thereof) and the way the trip score works.
There is some room in the market for services like this that would allow frequent flyers to save some time looking for the good flight.
Hope you're all gonna nail it.
@sylvainmaretto Hi Sylvain, thanks for the support and feedback! We're constantly reviewing the design and flow, so we'll definitely keep your comments in mind!
Clean UI. Would you say that your primary differentiator is the ability to weight / sort factors? FYI, on the booking flow I clicked on the booking policies link and got a 'something went wrong' screen. Are you an OTA and booking directly through a GDS?