Manoj Surya

Truepush - Free Push Notifications - Feature rich, high volume notifications with deep analytics

Truepush is a free forever push notifications tool for both web and mobile.

Rich features include RSS-to-Push, Audience Segmentation, Triggers, Templates, and APIs.

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Chris Scott
This looks great! How is it free??
Ravi Vaka
@chrisgscott Hello Chris, We are advertisers and we use cookie data to make our engine efficient. Hence, we're free.
Chris Scott
@ravi_vaka But you don’t place ads within our push notifications?
Ravi Vaka
@chrisgscott No, We would not !
anand muglikar
@chrisgscott @ravi_vaka What's in it for you then?
Manoj Surya
@chrisgscott @ravi_vaka @muglikar we already put it on our landing page about it in the faq's, please visit for same. But in short we do this for cookie data but again its anonymous data
Can you please give a better explanation of your business model. I read that you harvest cookie data - but to me that sounds incredibly offputting. What data do you collect and - exactly - how do you use it?
Dinuka Jay
@mickc79 I want to use this but their lack of information and the lack attention to privacy concerns got me halted in one place.
Ravi Vaka
@mickc79 @dinuka_jayasuriya Hello. Please visit our privacy policy for more information. It's on our homepage. You can share your concerns, we will address it accordingly.
Manoj Surya
@mickc79 @dinuka_jayasuriya you can check the above thread for clear explanation.
@mickc79 @dinuka_jayasuriya @ravi_vaka2 maybe answer the question publicly and not direct someone to a privacy policy. Be open, transparent.
Raju Vanapala
Great product !! Much much better than onesignal ...relieaf to all onsignal users
Manoj Surya
@venkamraju we are overwhelmed to hear this :)

As Push notifications becoming default now in every mobile app, also in web with PWAs becoming, TruePush can make life easier for developers and early-stage products.


1. Being free forever is huge plus 2. Super easy on-boarding for new project


Automated triggers missing

Manoj Surya
Thanks for the feedback, Automated triggers will be released in few days.
Vaibhav Sisinty
It's criminal to not have this. Can't believe it's free.
Manoj Surya
@vaibhavsisinty we are free and everyone deserves to get more ROI for their work. We will help in it by not charging users, thanks for your words though, appriciate them.
Erick McKesson

This is an update...originally I couldn't create a project. TruePush is extremely easy to setup and the dashboards and campaigns work great!

________Original Post__________

I cannot get a project to create. When creating one, it needs an icon to be used for the site. It is supposed to be at least 400x400 and less than 500kb. I've followed those requirements, but it keeps flashing an error that an icon is needed when I try to save. After that, sometimes it just sits there and does nothing when I save. I reached out on their Freshchat but haven't heard back yet.


Excellent product, easy to use


Can't think of any

Ravi Vaka
Sorry about the experience. We've personally checked it and it works. Can you share the image you uploaded to our email- We will get back to you soon.
Chintak Dholakia
Is there a facility to migrate my onesignal subscribers to Truepush ?
Manoj Surya
@chintakdholakia If you have https website, you can replace our code with onesignal. When old user migrates visits your website at least once, they will be migrated to truepush directly. There is no other alternative as of now. You may have to send notifications to your old users from one signal for a week or two based on your user size and start using truepush when you have majority of them migrated. This is the same procedure for migration from one push notification tool to the others. Hope this helps.
Looking great guys. all the best. . love to see more in future
Manoj Surya
@chaitanya_ask sure, thank you so much and we have ton of things in pipeline, improved UI and new features. You will be notified since you signed up with us already
AJ Batac

"Please enter Company Name." error when updating profile here: -- there's no Company Name field.


Cool app! Can't believe it's free.


None as of yet except for the updating of profile.

Ravi Vaka
Hello, Thank you. Can you try again please.
Ravi Vaka
Thanks AJ, for the feedback. We will implement this soon. The signup page page however have it.
Praveen Dorna
Amazing product @manojsurya3110 ! Will be of great help to startups considering push notifications have become a mainstream way of targeting customers by most companies. Good job and look forward to more updates.
Swetha Pemmaraju
Will it be free forever as mentioned?
Manoj Surya
@swetha_pemmaraju Yes, free forever and it's a promise
Vishnu Yanala
I love the RSS TO Link feature. Good work
Brandon McConnell
This is awesome! How does this compare to OneSignal, which I believe is also free? Pros and cons to switching? I'm sure TruePush will continue to grow in feature, just curious what they are now. Any support for A/B testing, storing and filtering by custom variables, and using those unique variables or custom JavaScript variables/functions in messaging? Ex: ```"Hi " + firstName || (gender == "M" ? "dude" : "dudette") + "! Welcome to the team!" + daysUntil(2019-05-01) > 0 ? (" Beta launches in " + daysUntil(2019-05-01) + " days! See you soon!") : (daysUntil(2019-05-01) == 0 ? (" Beta launch starts today! Check your email for more info!") : (daysUntil(2019-05-01) < 0 ? (" Our beta is live! Check your email for more info on how you can join the UX revolution!") : ""))```
Manoj Surya
@brandon_mcconnell We have it in pipe line with both what you have asked. You can check our current feature set and in pipeline here.
Manoj Surya
@brandon_mcconnell Sure :) , in few days
Mario nias
PLEASE: I don't understand why no one offers the following functionality: "optin-form". Like for email... It would be so powerful that all marketers would pounce on your application! the hardest part with notifications push is convincing people to sign up, if you can make that easier: you win. This is truly a Game changer. Are you going to offer this feature? (a beautiful optin form , big popup...) if yes, when ? @ravi_vaka
Manoj Surya
@ravi_vaka @djal_nias Hey Mario, we have opt-in forms already. We offer 6 types as of now. Please sign up and check once. Happy to talk more , I am on
Shashwat Pratap Rai
It's great to have this kind of tool free ...
Manoj Surya
@shashwat_pratap_rai we use a lot of free tools too and they are great for us as startups to focus on our work and not bother on finances, process, flows and small add on's that kills time
Raghu KLN
Any plans to launch automation feature for push notifications??
Manoj Surya
@raghukln yes triggers and apis will be out in hardly a week from now. You can create triggers easily and custom segments using our apis
Joe Ward
Do you sell data that identifies the client website using your service?
Manoj Surya
@joewardpr We make use of user cookie data which is anonymous. We won't touch any other data otherwise.
Preetam Nath
@joewardpr @manojsurya3110 What does cookie data comprise of?
Ravi Vaka
@joewardpr @manojsurya3110 @hipreetam93 Mostly Anonymous data. Browser info, last login etc.
Anu Karthik
Very good product , looking. Forward more features
Ravi Vaka
@anu_karthik Thanks Karthik !
Tapan Kumar Swain
Very good product user friendly
Hari Kalyani
Great product..I just loved it. It cutdowns most of our ad spends
Manoj Surya
@hari_kalyani That's wonderful to know :)