@jason_weingardt@doutatsu How far back does your research or database go? (Can we look at Obama's or Bush's or Clinton's record vis-a-vis their own campaign promises?) Awesome work!
@doutatsu With IssueVoter.org (@issuevoter) you can get alerts before congress votes, send your opinion to your rep with one click, and get a scorecard of your rep’s voting record so you can keep them accountable! We launched last week and are sending opinions on real legislation to reps' offices (vs. petitions or the many social polling apps, for example).
@juhslk@james_osullivan there is a button on the top right to submit a new policy/ send me an update of an existing policy. But I would definitely like to keep maintaining this!
Just curious, is this so liberals can get mad about him breaking pledges about things they were angry about in the first place, like building a wall or blocking muslim immigration? Isn't it better if some pledges are broken?
Yay! I was looking for something like this and actually thinking about contacting the makers of Trudeau Metre about it. Nice to see that it's been done.
With IssueVoter.org (@issuevoter) you can get alerts before congress votes, send your opinion to your rep with one click, and get a scorecard of your rep’s voting record so you can keep them accountable! We launched last week and are sending opinions on real legislation to reps' offices (vs. petitions or the many social polling apps, for example).