Part of me is LOL at this ridiculous looking piñata but I feel uncomfortable with the violent overtones. If this were Hilarypiñata, many would be (justifiably) offended at the resemblance to beating women.
@rrhoover I'm not an US citizen, but from this side of Atlantic, it seems to me he's the one who introduced violence in political debate, isn't he? Still no good reason to follow him there, though.
@rrhoover good point. Violence against a piñata send preferable to against other humans though, but I can see how the portrayal of violence against a presidential candidate itself is off-putting.
@rrhoover I never understood piñatas. Whether it's a man, woman or a donkey, there's no reason to teach our children (and adults) violence?
With one exception: zombies.
@chrismessina portrayal of violence against anyone is off putting. When we resort to violence to express our disagreement we are lowering ourselves to our most basic animal instincts.
This is tasteless and won't help Hillary get elected. If you want to donate money to the Syrian Refugee Crisis (, do that.
Fantastic. Great product. People love it.
The best part: the creators pledge to donate their proceeds to the Syrian Refugee Crisis.
Oh, and if you live in San Francisco, your Trumpiñata will be delivered on demand, via UberRUSH!
Violence? Growing up like I did Piñatas are pure fun. Look, Kids pick piñatas of things the LOVE (SpongeBob, Dora, etc.) and smash the crap out of them. It's all about that candy goodness. :)
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