Love the idea here Igor. I've been time tracking the majority of my personal work based stuff and have started seeing time as my greatest investment, so any tool that helps bring some balance and motivation to get some stuff done sounds great to me. Very cool 👌
One day I found that I'm spending too much time for TV shows. And also I had to make my course work in university. So I combined these two things into Fair Enough - an app to pay yourself "time for fun" for every useful action.
@leonspok Is there some theory behind the amount of "fun time" you are rewarded vs the productive activity you completed?
I think this would be an interesting way of helping someone get back on track but it could connect with calendars like Google Cal, iCal or even Trello to take into account how busy the individual's day is/isn't.
@sajclarke No, there is no theory. Fair Enough is a very simple app and yet it still fits my needs. I hope it will be useful for someone else.
I think, it's a good idea to connect not with your calendar or task management system, but with information about your physical condition. For example, with information about your stress level, you can predict how long you need to relax to be full of energy on the next day. It would be awesome if someone will find the way to bring this idea into reality. However, today "me" has a lot to learn to have a chance to be this man.
@leonspok Thanks for taking the time to respond. I like the approach you're taking and like Pomodoro, I think it's a concept that can be freely adapted to other productive tasks - without you necessary needing to force the connection.