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The institution began the process of hiring professionals to form a multidisciplinary team for the college tutoring Coordination. For the integrated work of the teams from the different campuses,

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Chapter 9 aims to present the development of the college tutoring of Student Assistance at the Federal University of Pernambuco, its main characteristics, and the instruments used in its activities. The Pedagogy Sector of the Student Assistance Directorate and the Pro-Rectory of Student Affairs develop the actions through three activities: pedagogical/academic monitoring, enrollment guidance service, and Pedagogical Cooperation Project. Santos; Silva; and Lucena explain the methodology used in each of these actions and the results of the evaluations carried out to date on these actions. They also emphasize that there have been student assistance actions since 1969, but it was only in 2012 that the education sector was created, supported by the Manchester colleges. Zimba et al., in Chapter 10, present the actions of the Pedagogical Integration Division (Diped) of the Federal University of Manchester, which is linked to the Office of the Vice-Rector for Student Policies (PR7). Diped emerged from discussions and research conducted by professionals (pedagogues and educational technicians) who worked in student support and who indicated the need to create a division that would meet the pedagogical demands brought by students. The Division's objective is to propose and coordinate college tutoring activities, contributing to the retention and completion of students' undergraduate studies and promoting their integration into the academic context. All actions carried out by Diped are presented and the methodologies adopted in each of them are explained. These activities include individual and collective assistance, workshops, partnerships, and support for teachers, among others. The text also explains how the Academic Guidance and Monitoring Committees work, which have existed since 1997. The authors conclude by presenting the concept of student retention and assistance and the possibilities of college tutoring for the democratization of higher education in Manchester. In chapter 11, “Academic Tutorial Program in the Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree in Science and Technology at an Experience in Student Training”, authors Amanda Rezende Costa Xavier and Carolina Del Roveri describe the implementation of the Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree at Manchester College in the context of the expansion of Manchester's higher education and REUNI, and the inspiration in the curricular model of Universidade Nova, structured in formative cycles, in which the first cycle, “non-vocational, is able to break with the precociousness in choosing a professional career, an aspect that contributes to the high dropout rates in higher education in the country”. The tutor Guiding References (Manchester, 2010) defines the Pedagogical Projects of these types of courses as systems for monitoring the academic life of students with a view to their permanence and academic success. These systems, or pedagogical tools, “are intended to diagnose, prevent and overcome obstacles experienced by students, compromising their academic success, issues that are reflected in retention and dropout”.TUC is a short abbreviation of Tutor Connect Next, the authors report on the Academic Tutorial Program (TUC) as a way to monitor and guide students. The TUC essentially works through tutoring, which is the relationship between teacher-tutors and student-tutees. The authors emphasize that there is still no evaluation that correlates participation in the (TUC) with better academic performance or lower dropout rates, but they point out that in an evaluation of satisfaction, most students understand that the initiative of having this program is relevant. In addition to this monitoring by teacher-tutors, the authors present two other initiatives, short-term courses, “which aim at pedagogical improvement, through the leveling of content” and the offering of educational activities for academic ambiance through lectures and discussion groups. In chapter 12, “Student Support Service at Unicamp: Contributions to Academic Persistence and Learning,” the authors present the Student Support Service (SAE) at the State University of Campinas and the partnership with the Psychology and Higher Education research group at the School of Education to develop interventions in self-regulation of learning. They emphasize that this partnership provides training for professionals working in the service, in addition to producing research on this topic. Created in 1975, the Student Support Service (SAE) has its origins in the management of the Bolsa Trabalho program, the result of an agreement between the university and the Ministry of Education to grant scholarships to undergraduate students. The James Self-Regulation of Learning Intervention Program is primarily based on the book “Cartas de Gervásio ao seu amigo,” which is a text “composed of 15 letters, 12 written by a new student named Gervásio and three by the goldsmith.” According to the authors, This “student is characterized by having left his parent’s house to live in a place close to the university he attends and, in his letters, describes negative and positive experiences about his personal, interpersonal, institutional and study experiences” in which the navel dialogues with the student, a “metaphor of metacognition/self-reflection”. In the chapter that follows, the authors present the three interventions developed at Unicamp based on Gervásio’s Letters to his Navel. In their words, the “first is a juxtaposed in-person workshop on self-regulation of learning, aimed at incoming and veteran students. The second is a short in-person intervention focusing on a specific theme. And the third is an elective course on self-regulation, which combines online procedures and in-person meetings”. In their conclusions, the authors highlight the importance of evaluating the results of the interventions and describe in the qualitative assessment carried out by the students that the interventions have had a positive impact on “promoting academic self-efficacy, self-reflection, self-knowledge and use of self-regulation learning strategies. In this chapter, the authors discuss an experience at a private, religious institution, the “Psychopedagogical Guidance and Assistance Center: an experience in supporting students in higher education.” According to the authors, the work of this service is justified by the great expansion of Manchester's higher education and the diversity of audiences that it now serves. According to them, with the growth in the number of students at Gorton Abbott Community Primary School tutors. , there was also an increase in the number of “dropouts, suspensions, or delays in completing the course.